Hello Tjaart,
Data Validation only occurs when Excel is in edit mode. The user is either typing in the Formula Bar or changing the cells contents directly. Changing a cell's contents using VBA bypasses the Validation, as you discovered. The trick is how do we trigger the Validation when using VBA code?
The obvious answer is type something into the formula. With VBA, we can do just that. Excel has a hot Key "F2" that places the cursor in the Formula Bar. Next we need to transfer the string from the InputBox to the Formula Bar along with the Enter key. we can accomplish all this with the VBA SendKeys statement. Copy the macro and paste it into a Standard VBA Module. It is highlighted in Blue in your code.
Macro code:
Sub EnterData(Input_Cell As Range, Input_Data As String)
With Input_Cell
.Value = ""
End With
'Place the Cursor in the Formula Bar
SendKeys "{F2}"
'Put the data in the Formula and Enter it
SendKeys Input_Data & "{Enter}"
End Sub
Macro added to your code:
Dim Message, Title, Default, MyValue
If Sheet1.Range("M13") = "" Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Range("M13").Validation.IgnoreBlank = True
Message = "Please enter your name"
Title = "Welcome"
Default = ""
MyValue = InputBox(Message, Title, Default)
EnterData Sheet1.Range("M13"), MyValue
End If
If Range("M13") <> "" And Range("H17") = 0 Then
Message = "Please enter any number"
Title = "Next step"
Default = "0"
MyValue = InputBox(Message, Title, Default, 1850, 1875)
EnterData Sheet1.Range("H17").Value, MyValue
End If
Leith Ross