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Auto insert date, time & user in columns when data is entered in another column?

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question Auto insert date, time & user in columns when data is entered in another column?

    I have been looking for a macro that will automatically insert the date in column a, time in column b, and userid in column c, when date is entered into column d. Can someone help me write this? I would greatly appreciate it. I believe it is a Workbook_Change Event but I am having trouble writing the code to reflect the variables involved. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor VBA Noob's Avatar
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    London, England
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    xl03 & xl 07(Jan 09)
    This might work

    Right click sheet name. Then Select view code and paste in th below

    Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" _
        Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nsize As Long) As Long
    Function fOSUserName() As String
    ' Returns the network login name
    Dim lngLen As Long, lngX As Long
    Dim strUserName As String
        strUserName = String$(254, 0)
        lngLen = 255
        lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)
        If lngX <> 0 Then
            fOSUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1)
            fOSUserName = ""
        End If
    End Function
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If IsDate(Target) = True Then
    If Target.Column = 4 Then
    ActiveCell.Offset(-1, -3).Value = Date
    ActiveCell.Offset(-1, -2).Value = Time
    ActiveCell.Offset(-1, -1).Value = fOSUserName
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    VBA Noob

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