Sorry - obviously didn't read your post closely.
The Chart_Select event can be used to identify what's been selected by the user. It's just a question of identifying the actual pivot field elements amongst all the other elements to return the field name you need.
I don't know what your existing macro does, or what it may need in terms of the pivot field name, but the following code should provide the required options . . .
The code sets up some public variables that your macro can pick up, and these should be self-explanatory. Using PivotObj(strFieldName) in your macro will give you the specific pivot field object to work on, but you will first need to check to ensure the Data object/field has not been selected (e.g. by using IF PivotObj is Nothing OR strFieldName = "Data" OR strFieldType = "Data" Then don't run the macro).
The last line Application.StatusBar = strFieldName & " : " & strFieldType can be taken out - it's included for testing purposes and shows what field and field type have been selected.