hey guys,

as a newbie to VBA, I'm hoping someone can help me out...

So I'm intersted in pointing to some certain files, for them to open in another application (Mappoint)... so that I can have a transportable, self-contained folder that can run on a CD, datastick, or other computer...

so I have:

Dim AK1 As MapPoint.Symbol
Dim AKPath As String
AKPath = curdir()

Set AK1 = ThSymbols.Add("AKPath\br green circle.bmp")

and I get an import error... which is fine... if in the immediate window I type in:
I always get:
C:\Documents and Settings\A Kolos\My Documents

no matter whether I'm running the file from my datastick on the E: drive or from other directories, well within My Documents...

It's as if curdir is just a default pointer to the My Documents...

am I doing something wrong? How can I reset it?

Thanks for your time,