Hi! I haven't done much with logic in Excel, and I've tried to figure out my problem looking at some How-To type things, but nothing I plug in is turning out any values. I guess I'm not sure if what I want is even possible. But here is what I want to do. I have ticket prices for concerts in one column. In another column I have customer service charges. The customer service charges are determined by the price of the ticket according to a set of ranges as follow:
If $0 < ticket price < $9.99, then CSC = $2.75
If $10 < ticket price < $19.99, then CSC = $3.50
If $20 < ticket price < $29.99, then CSC = $4.25 ...etc...
I need to create an Excel-friendly formula which will turn out those CSC values according to which range a previous value falls into.
Is this possible to do, and have I provided enough information? Please help!
Thank you!