Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'This 'Generate' Button from Reportform1 for Resource Load
Dim iCnt As Integer
Dim Selections As String
Dim UniqueValueSheet As Worksheet
Dim UniqueValueSheetNm As String
Dim SelectedOptions As String
Dim Blank As String
Dim ReportFromDt As String
Dim ReportEndDt As String
Blank = ""
UniqueValueSheetNm = "UniqueValueSheet"
Set UniqueValueSheet = Worksheets(UniqueValueSheetNm)
For iCnt = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(iCnt) = True Then
Selections = Selections & ListBox1.List(iCnt) & ","
End If
Next iCnt
If Trim(Selections) = Blank Then
Res = MsgBox("Please Select Request Type!! ", vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End If
SelectedOptions = Left(Selections, Len(Selections) - 1)
Coma = InStr(SelectedOptions, ",")
StringAll = InStr(SelectedOptions, "All")
If Coma > 0 And StringAll > 0 Then
Res = MsgBox("You can not use 'All' with other combination" & Chr(13) & " " _
& " " & " Please correct", vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(ReportStatus1.TextBox1.Value) = "" Or Trim(ReportStatus1.TextBox2.Value) = "" Then
Res = MsgBox("From Date or End Date is Missing !!! Please Correct !!!!", vbOKOnly)
Exit Sub
ReportFromDt = ReportStatus1.TextBox1.Value
ReportEndDt = ReportStatus1.TextBox2.Value
End If
Call FilterRows(SelectedOptions, ReportFromDt, ReportEndDt)
Unload Me
End Sub
Sub FilterRows(Selections As String, ReportFromDt As String, ReportEndDt As String)
'This section is filter the record as per the criteria from the ReportForm1 screen
'Write into a temp file
Dim Sel() As String
Dim lLastrow As Long
Dim lRow As Long
Dim WRMasterXls As Workbook
Dim WRMasterSheet As Worksheet
Dim UniqueValueSheet As Worksheet
Dim ConfigSheet As Worksheet
WRMasterXlsNm = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Set WRMasterXls = Workbooks(WRMasterXlsNm)
ConfigSheetNm = "Configuration-Table"
Set ConfigSheet = WRMasterXls.Worksheets(ConfigSheetNm)
Dim UniqueValueSheetNm As String
Dim WRMasterSheetNm As String
UniqueValueSheetNm = "UniqueValueSheet"
Set UniqueValueSheet = WRMasterXls.Worksheets(UniqueValueSheetNm)
WRMasterSheetNm = ConfigSheet.Cells(6, 3) '"Request-Tracker-Sheet"
If Trim(WRMasterSheetNm) = "" Then
WRMasterSheetNm = "Request-Tracker"
ConfigSheet.Cells(6, 3) = WRMasterSheetNm
End If
Set WRMasterSheet = WRMasterXls.Worksheets(WRMasterSheetNm)
Dim ComaCnt As Integer
Dim ComaPos As Integer
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim ArrayOccur As Integer
ComaCnt = 0
ComaPos = 0
' Finding out number of coma's in the multiple selection to define the array
For iCount = 1 To Len(Selections)
ComaPos = InStr(ComaPos + 1, Selections, ",")
If ComaPos > 0 Then
ComaCnt = ComaCnt + 1
iCount = Len(Selections)
End If
Next iCount
' Resizing the Array
ReDim Sel(1 To ComaCnt + 1)
' Segregating the multiple selection into seperate array variable
iCount = 0
ComaPos = 0
Do Until iCount >= Len(Selections)
ComaPos = InStr(ComaPos + 1, Selections, ",")
If ComaPos > 0 Then
ArrayOccur = ArrayOccur + 1
iLength = iCount - (ComaPos - 1)
Sel(ArrayOccur) = Mid(Selections, iCount + 1, Abs(iLength))
iCount = ComaPos
End If
If ComaPos = 0 Then
ArrayOccur = ArrayOccur + 1
Sel(ArrayOccur) = Mid(Selections, iCount + 1)
iCount = Len(Selections)
End If
' Hiding the rows which are not satisfying the criteria
lRow = 2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
lLastrow = Lastraw(WRMasterSheet)
rCnt = 0
If Selections <> "All" Then
For lRow = 3 To lLastrow Step 1
iRequestTypeFound = "N"
For rCnt = 1 To (ComaCnt + 1) Step 1
iRequestType = WRMasterSheet.Cells(lRow, 8)
If iRequestType = Sel(rCnt) Then
iRequestTypeFound = "Y"
End If
Next rCnt
If iRequestTypeFound = "Y" Then
WRMasterSheet.Rows(lRow).EntireRow.Hidden = False
WRMasterSheet.Rows(lRow).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next lRow
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
ctr = 0
destinationRow = 1
For Each r In WRMasterSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Rows
ctr = ctr + 1
WRMasterSheet.Rows(r.Row).Copy UniqueValueSheet.Rows(ctr)
destinationRow = destinationRow + 1
Application.CutCopyMode = False
WRMasterSheet.UsedRange.EntireRow.Hidden = False
'Copying back records from Temporary sheet to Master Sheet
a = WRMasterSheet.Name
TmpSheet = "TmpSheet"
WRMasterSheet.Name = TmpSheet
UniqueValueSheet.Name = a
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
WRMasterSheet.Name = a
If Not WRMasterSheet.AutoFilterMode Then
If Not WRMasterSheet.FilterMode Then
End If
End If
End Sub