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macro - creating URLs

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  1. #1
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    macro - creating URLs

    hey everyone,

    i'm trying to create a macro that will put together some URLs for me. i haven't gotten it down - i'm still new at this.

    i've got three columns and i have two pieces of code that fit between the three columns.. so it's like this:

    columnA + code1 + column B + code2 + column C

    the tricky part is that column B and column C may have spaces, which need to be replaced with a + (plus sign). (i used "While Not IsEmpty" for these.)

    i'd like to get the new URL to be put into columnE..

    my code isn't working - it's my first stab at it. i'm copying it below (and i attached it as a txt file). i'd appreciate any help.. and if you can keep comments in the code then i'll know where i went wrong.

    (I would be placing my cursor into column C - which will be the active cell. There are comments beside each step.)

    Public Sub URLG()
    Dim URL, URL1, URL2, URL3, URL4, newURL1, campaign, newcampaign, character As String
    Dim length, counter, place As Integer
    campaign = ActiveCell.Value                         'gives me existing campaign name
    newcampaign = ActiveCell.Value                      'gives me campaign name in current row
    URL4 = "&source=Gg&medium=abc&term="                'part of final URL
    URL2 = "&content=A&campaign="                       'part of final URL
    While newcampaign = campaign                        'check that the campaign hasn't changed. If not:
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, -2).Select                 'get the front URL with SID
        URL3 = ActiveCell.Value
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select                'move to the keyword and pick it up
        URL1 = ActiveCell.Value
        While Not IsEmpty(URL1)                         'Run this routine until you have parsed all the of the keyword
            newURLl = ""                                'Define the new version of the URL
            length = Len(URLl)                          'get the lngth of keyword - this is the max cycles
            counter = 0                                 'counter counts to length of keyword
            place = 1                                   'my current place/letter position in the keyword
            While counter <= length                     'As long as we haven't parsed the entire keyword
                character = Mid(URL3, place, 1)         'take the next character in order
                If character = " " Then                 'Set the blank to a + sign
                    character = "+"
                End If
            newURL1 = newURL1 & character
            counter = counter + 1                       'increment the character count
            place = place + 1                           'move to the next letter in the keyword
    URL1 = newURL1
    URL = URL3 & URL4 & URL1 & URL2 & campaign
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
    ActiveCell.Value = URL
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 2).Select
    newcampaign = ActiveCell.Value
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by morgonzola; 03-20-2007 at 05:47 PM.

  2. #2
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    maybe i'm not being clear - it's not as hard as it seems, i know that i'm just missing something.

    so, what i'm looking for is this:

    if i have this in my worksheet with these values:
    columnA = http://www.excel.com/
    column B = help forum
    column C = programming macro

    then, code1 = ?a=1=
    code2 = &b=5=

    i want my end result to be placed into a brand new column (like columnE):

    does this make sense? i'd really appreciate any help.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    sorry.. i wrapped the code in my original post.

    last note - the "code1" and "code2" will be the same throughout the whole URL generation - only the values in columns A - C are changing.
    Last edited by morgonzola; 03-20-2007 at 05:46 PM.

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