Hello all,
I have code below doing so that if the due date is date - 1 then it will turn that column cells red. it also sends out email with relevant information in that row. the code is below:
Private Sub Workbook_WindowActivate(ByVal Wn As Window)
Dim cl As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("A-D")
For Each cl In ws.Range("G2:G30")
If cl.Value = Date - 1 Then
cl.Interior.Color = vbRed
cl.Font.Color = vbWhite
Dim olapp As Object
Dim olns As Object
Dim olfolder As Object
Dim olitem As Object
Dim olattach As Object
Set olapp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set olns = olapp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set olfolder = olns.getdefaultfolder(6)
Set olitem = olapp.createitem(0)
'Set olattach = olitem.attachments
olitem.To = "abc@xyz.om"
olitem.Subject = "Due Dates"
olitem.body = "Email Automatically Generated By Microsoft Excel on " & Now() _
& Chr(13) _
& Chr(13) _
& "To Management" _
& Chr(13) _
& Chr(13) _
& "Rate review due date for " & Date + 1 _
& Chr(13) _
& Chr(13) _
& "|Company| |Due Date| |Person Responsible|" _
& Chr(13) _
& cl.Offset(, -6) & " " & cl.Offset(, -1) & " " & cl.Offset(, 1) _
& Chr(13) _
& Chr(13) _
& "Regards" _
& Chr(13) _
& "Forename Surname" _
& Chr(13) _
& "xyz Manager" _
& Chr(13) _
& "Company Ltd" _
& Chr(13) _
& "Phone: 00000" _
& Chr(13) _
& "Fax: 00000"
Set olitem = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set Db = Nothing
Set olfolder = Nothing
Set olns = Nothing
Set olapp = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
cl.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
cl.Font.ColorIndex = vbBlack
End If
End Sub
above code creates email body as:
Email Automatically Generated By Microsoft Excel on 12/03/2007 13:14:19
To Management
Rate review due date for 13/03/2007
|Company| |Due Date| |Person Responsible|
ABC 11/03/2007 John smith
Forename Surname
xyz Manager
Company Ltd
Phone: 00000
Fax: 00000
2nd email:
Email Automatically Generated By Microsoft Excel on 12/03/2007 13:14:19
To Management
Rate review due date for 13/03/2007
|Company| |Due Date| |Person Responsible|
XYZ 11/03/2007 Peter Dudd
Forename Surname
xyz Manager
Company Ltd
Phone: 00000
Fax: 00000
which is fine. but when it has several rows with due dates it will create separate email for each. i want to combile all emails so that it looks like below:
Email Automatically Generated By Microsoft Excel on 12/03/2007 13:14:19
To Management
Rate review due date for 13/03/2007
|Company| |Due Date| |Person Responsible|
ABC 11/03/2007 John smith
XYZ 11/03/2007 Peter Dudd
Forename Surname
xyz Manager
Company Ltd
Phone: 00000
Fax: 00000
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you