The problem im having is this; I have a invoice created in excel that contains a dropdown box with a list of names(for salesperson). The user selects a name and enters other data (such as products selling) and then presses a button that exceutes a macro that copies the information to a different sheet.
One thing that does happen in this macro is that the total income is copied to a cell on a different worksheet and the cell that is copied to depends on the salesperson name (to track the total income of each salesperson) (done using a case statement to test the value of the selected salesperson name)
My problem is that i want to make a macro that allows the user to add a new salesperson to the dropdown list and add the new name as an extra case in the macro that copies information across sheets.(basically a macro that when run adds code to a specific area of another macro)
is this possible? If not its no problem
thanks for any advice