I hope this helps to explain a little:
<-copy from sheet-> <-copy from cells-> <--paste--> <--paste to sheet--> <-paste to cell->
Sheets("New Prices").Range("A1:A15"). Copy Destination:=Sheets("Price List").Range("I1")
So to use a command button for your specific example above, first add the command button, then right-click the button and select view code. This will open up the VBE and generate something like this (excluding the green font):
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Range("G4").Copy Destination:=Range("G3")
End Sub
Copy and paste the code in between the lines (I added the green code above for your example). Note that I did not use "Sheets". You can omit the sheet reference if the copy and paste destination are both on the active (selected) sheet. If they are on another sheet, or on separate sheets, add the Sheet reference as noted in the firts post.