Greetings to all, please do not be fooled by the code below. I really do not know that much about VBA. All that I have done is piece together code that I have obtained from this forum from some very helpful people. Currently, I am trying to paste data from various sources into one sigle sheet on everyother column. However, I can get the code up to the point where it retrieves the data from all the data sources, but I can only get it to paste into C8 of the one sheet where i want to bring my data together. Ideally, I want to paste data from the first source in column C8, data from the second data source in column E8 and so forth and so on up to column AK8. Can some one advise me as to what to do? I really appreciate the help. Thank you
Sub GetData()
Dim File As Variant
Set File = Sheets("Specs").Range("A8:A25")
ThisFile = ThisWorkbook.Name
Pathname = Sheets("Specs").Range("B6").Value
For Each c In Worksheets("Specs").Range("A8:A25")
Filename = c.Offset(0, 1).Value
With File
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Pathname & Filename
Sheets("Generation Deviation").Activate

Selection.PasteSpecial 'Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
'False, Transpose:=False
End With

Next c
End Sub