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Macro that finds word in table and reports all rows with data to new table

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jermsalerms Macro that finds word in... 01-26-2007, 05:48 PM
T-J Some ideas to accomplish the... 01-26-2007, 08:27 PM
jermsalerms Still confused - Novice at VBA 01-30-2007, 11:08 AM
jermsalerms Figured it out kinda 02-01-2007, 04:48 PM
shrutikhurana looking for the same 02-05-2007, 03:57 AM
  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Macro that finds word in table and reports all rows with data to new table

    Here is what I am trying to do. I am not sure how to write this macro.


    Contains a table on sheet2 A1:F1000.
    (Ex. A1 = 456325 B1 = this is a website C1 = the name of the file is 1003_3.14.aspx)

    Contains a list of text that I am searching for (A1:P1)
    (Ex. A1 = 1003_3)



    1. find cell A1 on Criteria.xls and create a new sheet on Results.xls with that name. (Ex - Criteria.xls, A1 = 1003_3 then new sheet on Results.xls is called 1003_3)

    2. find cell A1 on Criteria.xls and searches for ALL fields that contain that word in Work in Table1.xls, sheet2, range A1:F1000. (IMPORTANT - if my search criteria is 1003_3 and it finds that inside a "word" such as 1003_3.14.aspx then that should be accepted as a result.)

    2. When it finds any combination of , Criteria.xls cell A1, on sheet2 of Table1.xls it copies the entire row from sheet2 on Table1.xls to the sheet created in Results.xls (sheet 1003_3) and continues to copy row after row until it has reached the end of the table (A1:F1000) on Table1.xls sheet2.

    3. Then it restarts the entire process with the next line down (cell B1 on Criteria.xls; makes a new sheet named as the search criteria, and searches for the criteria as before) This continues until it reaches the end of the list on Criteria.xls

    I have no idea where to start here...any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Some ideas to accomplish the task, in order of your goals:

    1. To create a new worksheet, use the Add method of the worksheets collection.
    To set the worksheet name, use the Name property of the Worksheet object.

    2. Use the Find method (good example in VB help) of the Range object to search.
    Set the Range to Table1.xls, sheet2, range A1:F1000.
    Set the optional LookAt argument to xlPart.
    Find returns a Range object representing the first cell where data is found.

    3. Use the EntireRow property and the Copy method of the Range object (the cell returned by Find) to copy to a Worksheet object.
    Use the FindNext method of the Range object to continue searching.

    4. Use For Each CriteriaCell In Range( .. ) to loop through cells on the criteria sheet.

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Still confused - Novice at VBA

    I am still learning VBA and dont really understand what you are saying. I have simplified what I am looking for a bit. Everything is now in one spreadsheet and no need for a macro to create sheets. Here is an update. Please help if you can.

    _I. Sheet1 - 949 rows of data - Is a list of unique files
    ___A. Row 1 - column titles
    ___B. Row 2-949 - data being reviewed
    ___C. Column A - contains file names (ex. vsd.html) of next software publish
    ___D. Column B - Contains overview notes on each file
    ___E. Column C - contains detailed notes on each file
    _II. Sheet2 - 804 rows of data - Is a list of files that may appear on multiple rows
    ___A. Row 1 - column titles
    ___B. Row 2-804 - data being reviewed
    ___C. Column A - contains file names (ex. vsd.html) of customized files
    ___D. Column B - contains version number
    ___E. Coulmn C - contains notes for version changes
    III. Sheet 3 - Where output should go
    ____A. Row 1 - column titles
    ____B. Column A - will display data from Sheet 1, column A
    ____C. Column B - will display data from Sheet 1, column B
    ____D. Column C - will display data from Sheet 1, column C
    ____E. Column D - will display data from Sheet 2, column A
    ____F. Column E - will display data from Sheet 2, column B
    ____G. Column F - will display data from Sheet 2, column C
    _IV. Goals
    ____A. create macro that runs the following.
    _______1. selects Sheet1, A2 and searches for a match on Sheet2, Range A2:804.
    _______2. if a match is found it copies range A2:C:2 to sheet 3, Range A2:C2
    _______3. it then copies the matching rows data in columns A, B, & C and copies it to sheet 3, Range D2:F2
    _______4. it continues to search through sheet 2Range A2:804 since there may be mutiple instances of the file being searched since sheet 2 lists all versions of the file. If multiple versions are found it copies the same data on each next row down on sheet 3.
    ____B. make macro loop.
    _______1. once search of sheet 1, A2 is done it goes to the next line down and searches for that file and repeats the same steps
    _______2. continues this until it has searched for all 948 rows on sheet 1.
    ____C. End result should be a new list that details all the files that will be affected by the next publish that have been customized
    Last edited by jermsalerms; 01-30-2007 at 11:13 AM.

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
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    Figured it out kinda

    I was able to get it done...half automated and half manual. Used a few autofilters and a few manual changes...would be nice to figure this out but this time I was under time constraints and had to improvise.


  5. #5
    Registered User
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    looking for the same

    I am looking for exactly the same solution. Nobody has a macro that can help accomplish this???

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