Not sure I really understand the question.
look at the product in the raw data
Where is the "raw data"? How do you look at it?
match it to the same product by date and by hour
Looking at the master sheet? Or the daily sheets? If the daily sheets, how do you know which date a particular sheet is for? By its name or something in one of the header rows? If the master sheet, then do we care at all about the daily sheets in order to solve this problem? I think we must care about the daily sheets or you wouldn't have mentioned them.
not all products have quantities for all the hours of the day
In the case where there is no data for that date/time, do you want the previously populated cell or the next populated cell?
Regardless of the answers above, I think the answer could be rather simple. You do a brute-force search. Keeping in mind that VBA can read from Excel abouy 50,000 times faster than it can write to Excel. So, do not be afraid to search row by row and column by column. Perhaps something like: