I suspect the reason you have not received any replies yet is because you have not given enough information to allow a complete response.
You have told us which columns are high/medium/low, but I have no idea how the user will indicate quantity, or which row I should be reading the high/medium/low from. I do not know if the option buttons are on a form or embedded in a worksheet. In short, I cannot be of a lot of help.
I can suggest a couple of things to help you move forward, though. One thing might be to check out some of the links provided in this posting:
Another thing is to explain that there are several ways you can reference an Excel Range within VBA. For example:
ThisWorkbook in Excel is somewhat analogous to CurrentDb in Access. The big difference is that ThisWorkbook is also an object with has Events that you can capture.
Unlike Access, Excel does not require complete hiearchy to be defined. This is both good and bad. It greatly simplifies your code, and it greatly increases the likelihood that you will operate on an object that was not your intended object.
So, following the example above, if ThisWorkbook is the active workbook, and "Sheet1" is the active sheet, you could have written the above as
You could also have written
Hope this gets you started.