
I need help in building macro/s to perform the following:

I use a typical work book with some 10 odd worksheets containing details of different tasks / action items pertaining to multiple projects with time deadlines etc., for tracking. this is the workbook I share with the Managers of different groups who will directly populate / update the status of different items in the worksheet specific to their operations.

For clarity's sake let me call the sheet onto which we copy the data from multiple sheets as "SUMMARY-SHEET" Also the data contained in multiple sheets in the workbook is essentially relating to different tasks, action items and issues which typically have a "WEEK" or Date column referring to the timeline and a "STATE" column with HIGH/MEDIUM/LOW (OR) OPEN/CLOSED as the current "STATE" of each item.

My need warrants that we start off with copying all the issues and tasks contained in multiple sheets onto "SUMMARY-SHEET" and thereon everytime the macro / function is run.. the code needs to compare the content of each sheet with the "SUMMARY-SHEET" and copy the UNIQUE rows onto the "SUMMARY-SHEET" rather incrementally.

My Excel coding (macro building) skills are very poor and request the help of this forum in being able to use the real potential of Excel.. Please don't delete my posting.. Guide me..

I will be thankful for help in this regard..
