Hi Bryan,
Haven't looked at the attachment yet. I am sure it is better than what I came up with.
Meanwhile, Michael, here is what I came up with ... replace the code above with the code below (on the Pareto chart's code window). To use this, you need to have first created a shape (I chose a rectangle, but you can make it any auto shape you like) and Name it "CommentBox" (easiest way to do this is to use the Name box that is to the left of the Excel formula bar ... always remember to press Enter after typing in a name or the name will not "stick").
Dim keepA As Long, keepB As Long
Private Sub Chart_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Long, ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
Dim searchModel As Range, searchColor As Range
Dim searchComment As Range, lastRow As Long
Dim ID As Long, a As Long, b As Long
Dim s As Series, p As Point
Dim sh As Shape, strComment As String
On Error GoTo leave
Me.GetChartElement x, y, ID, a, b
Set sh = Me.Shapes("CommentBox")
Select Case True
Case a = keepA And b = keepB
'sh.Visible = False
Case ID = 3
Set ws1 = Sheet2
myColor = ws1.Cells(4, a + 1)
myModel = ws1.Cells(b + 4, 1)
'do not need these, but this is what a & b represent:
Set s = Me.SeriesCollection(a)
Set p = s.Points(b)
' MsgBox WorksheetFunction.Index _
' (Me.SeriesCollection(a).XValues, b)
' MsgBox WorksheetFunction.Index _
' (Me.SeriesCollection(a).Values, b)
Set ws2 = Sheet3
lastRow = ws2.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
Set searchModel = Range(ws2.Cells(1, 1), ws2.Cells(lastRow, 1))
Set searchColor = Range(ws2.Cells(1, 2), ws2.Cells(lastRow, 2))
Set searchComment = Range(ws2.Cells(1, 5), ws2.Cells(lastRow, 5))
'MsgBox myColor, vbOKOnly, myModel
For i = 1 To lastRow
If searchModel.Cells(i) = myModel Then
If searchColor.Cells(i) = myColor Then
strComment = vbLf & s.Name & vbLf
strComment = strComment & searchComment.Cells(i) & vbLf
With sh
.TextFrame.Characters.Text = strComment
.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
.Visible = True
'need to convert pixels to twips
'to get the Left & Top exactly right
.Left = x * 2 / 3
.Top = y * 2 / 3
End With
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
'remember these so we do not keep doing the same thing
'over and over again
keepA = a
keepB = b
Case Else
sh.Visible = False
keepA = 0
keepB = 0
End Select
End Sub