
I am searching groups of cells to see if there are empty cells within a particular range.

However, although my code works the search counts all the cells that make up a merged cell so says that I have many empty cells when I do not!

I.e. I have 10 cells for instance, but each of those 10 cells is made up of 15 merged cells. Therefore, If my 10 cells are empty, my code reports 150 cells as been empty rather than 10. If I fill in my 10 merged cells, it reports 140 cells as been empty..

Part of my code is below. Can anyone help??

Sub check_cells()

Dim Err As String
Dim Length As String
Dim MaxNum As String
Dim EmpCell As Integer
Dim Holder As Range

'set the variables

Set MaxNum = Range("AF5").Value

Length = Len(MaxNum)

Holder = Range("B27:AG29")

EmpCell = 0

If Range("AF5").Value = "" Then Err = "You must enter the Maximo Number."
If Length < 5 Then Err = "You have not entered a valid Maximo Number"

If Range("W11").Value = "" Then Err = "You must enter the customer name and location."

'count each blank cell in a range
For Each x In Holder
If IsEmpty(x.Value) Then EmpCell = EmpCell + 1
Next x

If Answer > 0 Then Err = "There are " & EmpCell & " cells not completed"

If Err <> "" Then
MsgBox Err, vbCritical
MsgBox "This sheet is ready to save and send!"
End If

End Sub