ok, Dave you mentioned in another thread to try :
Sub Button1_Click()
Range("B1") = UCase$(Range("A1"))
Range("C1") = UCase$(Range("C1"))
End Sub
place text in A1 and C1 and run the macro
However, this work with converting cells to uppercase, how would I convert this to convert vba textbox.text to uppercase. here is what I have tried,
that does not work:
'does not work
FNameInput = UCase(FNameInput)
LNameInput = UCase(LNameInput)
'does not work
FNameInput = UCase$(FNameInput)
LNameInput = UCase$(LNameInput)
'does not work
FNameInput.Text = StrConv(FNameInput.Text, vbUpperCase, 1)
LNameInput.Text = StrConv(LNameInput.Text, vbUpperCase, 1)
The problem, is that all of these return "Cannot find project or library" error.
Is their a command that work in excel to do this ? I am using Excel 2003.
Thanks in advance,