Hi Alan
Did you see my correction?
Hi Alan
Did you see my correction?
DrumsforMonty, i'm no expert and my code worked for me but there is a flaw, as it looks from the top down if it comes across 2 blanks in a row it will only see them as one, so i posted my answer to another forum (full of experienced guys) and i got a lesson aswell as a couple of solutions here's the thread http://vbaexpress.com/forum/showthre...9882#post79882 MDmackillop probably has the solution closest to what you need.
Hi Simon, thanks for that, I have joined that forum.
Hi Raiby
Sorry I didnt see a correction.
Hi Alan
In fact I forgot this piece of code:
Or Cells(i, j) = "" for the blanks
But i suppose that it doesn't change your problem.It's strange. The code works for me.
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