I can't seem to get the findnext to work. I can find the first instance but none after that. Here's my code. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

    Dim B As Range
    Dim SheetNumb As Integer
    SheetNumb = 1
    Do While SheetNumb <= Sheets.Count
        If ActiveSheet.Name = "Page1" Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        Set B = Sheets(SheetNumb).Cells.Find("Mechanical", SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, LookIn:=xlValues)
        If Not B Is Nothing Then
            FindAddress = B.Address
                B = Sheets(SheetNumb).Cells.FindNext(B)
            Loop While Not B Is Nothing And B.Address <> FindAddress
        End If
        SheetNumb = SheetNumb + 1