hey all....
i've managed to find this super codes what someone wrote along time ago(sometime in 2005)...a whole part of it helped me in whatever i'm trying to achieve...but there's still some minor problems that i've encountered..
this is the original code
Sub FindMe()
Dim intS As Integer
Dim rngC As Range
Dim strToFind As String, FirstAddress As String
Dim wSht As Worksheet
Dim rngSearch As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
intS = 1
Set rngSearch = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:E2000")
Set wSht = Worksheets("Sheet2")
strToFind = InputBox("Enter the title to find")
Do While strToFind <> ""
With rngSearch
Set rngC = .Find(what:=strToFind, LookAt:=xlPart)
If Not rngC Is Nothing Then
FirstAddress = rngC.Address
rngC.EntireRow.Copy wSht.Cells(intS, 1)
intS = intS + 1
Set rngC = .FindNext(rngC)
Loop While Not rngC Is Nothing And rngC.Address <> FirstAddress
End If
End With
strToFind = InputBox("Enter the title to find")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Set rngSearch = Nothing
Set wSht = Nothing
Set rngC = Nothing
End Sub
this code helps you to search a word/phrase in sheet1 and copy the whole row, then pasting it onto a new sheet....
my problem is, in my case i have several sheets to combine with....whereas this one only identify 1 particular sheet (see bolded section in the code)
can anyone out there help me with this ?
appreciate your help...