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replacing values in a variable number of columns

  1. #1
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    replacing values in a variable number of columns

    Assume I place 5 rows of data starting in cell R1:R5. Then as I receive new data I add it to the next column, same rows (S1:S5). This continues on until I am through adding data. Assume I am finished adding data when I add data in V1:V5. So I have 5 columns of data (R thu V). Assume I keep a count of the number of columns with data in cell A1. It would equal 5 in this case.

    Now, I want to place 0 in each of these cells that I have data. The coding needs to be able to support a variable number of columns because the next time I may have some other number of columns with data.

    How do I code for a variable number of columns and replace the data?

  2. #2
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    You don't state if you will be adding data using code or manually. you need to test for the number of columns in your code. There are many ways to do this, but one way you could try is this.

    Select a known cell in the range.
    Select the current region
    count the columns in the range.

    Putting that all together,

    NumOfColumns = Range("R1").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count

    Once you know the number columns, you can build the rest of your code

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by mwc0914
    Assume I place 5 rows of data starting in cell R1:R5. Then as I receive new data I add it to the next column, same rows (S1:S5). This continues on until I am through adding data. Assume I am finished adding data when I add data in V1:V5. So I have 5 columns of data (R thu V). Assume I keep a count of the number of columns with data in cell A1. It would equal 5 in this case.

    Now, I want to place 0 in each of these cells that I have data. The coding needs to be able to support a variable number of columns because the next time I may have some other number of columns with data.

    How do I code for a variable number of columns and replace the data?
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    should work for you.

    note, you might need to check that R1 is not blank (empty) before using this code.
    Last edited by Bryan Hessey; 11-07-2006 at 04:32 PM.
    Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere.

  4. #4
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    I know the number of columns. It is stored on cell A1. I need to know how to go through the columns replacing the data a column at a time. I have some code that almost works...

    Column = "r"

    For i = 1 To number_of_columns
    Range(Column & 1).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "0"
    Range(Column & 1).Select
    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Column & 1, Column & 5), Type:=xlFillValues
    Column = Column + 1 <----- This is what needs to work
    Next i

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by mwc0914
    I know the number of columns. It is stored on cell A1. I need to know how to go through the columns replacing the data a column at a time. I have some code that almost works...

    Column = "r"

    For i = 1 To number_of_columns
    Range(Column & 1).Select
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "0"
    Range(Column & 1).Select
    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Column & 1, Column & 5), Type:=xlFillValues
    Column = Column + 1 <----- This is what needs to work
    Next i
    I am curious as to why you would use a loop to do something the difficult way when there is a simple single statement to perform that.

    Using your 'column' and LastRow = 5

    iColumn = Asc(Column) - 96
    LastRow = 5
    Range(Cells(1, 18), Cells(LastRow, 18 + iColumn)).Select
    Selection.Value = 0

    This will only work up to column Z, but that may suffice for your needs.

    note, you could also use

    Range(Cells(1, 18), Cells(LastRow, iColumn)).Clear

    To your loop, whilst there is a method to use R+1 it gets difficult as you pass column Z, so I would avoid using that address style for what you are doing.

    Last edited by Bryan Hessey; 11-07-2006 at 06:51 PM.

  6. #6
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    Thank you. But I am not familiar with the Cells(1,18) part. What is the significance of the 18?

    I should have mentioned that after the 5 column is a static set of data that I do not want to touch. So what I am doing is inserting columns then placing the data there. I insert a variable number of columns each time I run the code. That is why I need code that can set values without defining what my end column will be, because I will not know....unless there is a way to figure out the ending column by knowing the starting column (which I will) plus the number of columns with data.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mwc0914
    Thank you. But I am not familiar with the Cells(1,18) part. What is the significance of the 18?

    I should have mentioned that after the 5 column is a static set of data that I do not want to touch. So what I am doing is inserting columns then placing the data there. I insert a variable number of columns each time I run the code. That is why I need code that can set values without defining what my end column will be, because I will not know....unless there is a way to figure out the ending column by knowing the starting column (which I will) plus the number of columns with data.
    The Cells statement selects a Range as shown, it will not affect the area outside of it's range, and is less likely to err than a column-loop.

    In this instance it imitates the click-drag of a range of cells on a worksheet, for which you can then imitate pressing the Del key by adding .Clear

    If you are unsure then use the version that is .Select and put a msgbox before the following .Value = 0 to see the area selected.


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