I have several Macro Projects, using .xlA files, stored on my local hard drive; each has a 'Public Sub Auto_Open' stmt. Each .xlA file is fired by a Windows XP 'Scheduled Task' that may include scheduled times when my machine is "logged off" from our network. These macros, when running in a "logged off" mode, have read and write access to the same network drives that I have permissions for when my machine is "logged on". (The .xlA files are NOT set-up as 'Add-Ins' in EXCEL.)

I have had success in doing the above, except when trying to open MS Word and copy part of a .rtf file into my primary data file (an .xlS file).

I have two questions: do you have experience with tasks described in my first paragraph?; and do you have experience with tasks described in my second paragraph?. (This second question is also discussed in my Question on this site titled "Dropping Numerical Data from MS Word .rtf File into .xlS".)
