Hi. I think the best way to describe my VBA dilemma at this point is to explain what I want the end result to be, and to tell you how far I am towards this end:
I use Excel to track performance data for about 300 funds. This data is listed on my spreasheet in monthly intervals, but is updated daily. For example, I have October performance numbers for most of my funds now. Because we're still in the month of October, the performance data I have now will undoubtedly change. However, I can't just enter the new data and forget about what was in the cell before. I need to have a list of every number that has occupied a cell over the course of the month, and I need it to be listed in Excel as cell comments. What's more, I need each of these numbers to be dated.
Here's what I have so far: I've created a calendar user form that appears after I input data into a cell, and is formatted to list this new data and a date as comments. Unfortunately, before the calendar user form appears, the comments process has already taken place. The end result at this point is that the date defaults to today before I have a chance to click on the date I actually want to appear in the comments.
Can you tell me how to make the comments process wait until after I click on a date on the calendar user form?
Thank you.