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Using VBA to move screen selection

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Using VBA to move screen selection

    I have a problem in that I've created code to create an autofilter on a set of data and the visible cells are pasted to a different sheet.
    This "results" sheet is giving me issues because the screen selection does not reset on the paste.

    For example if one search yields 1000 results I might scroll down and scan through the 1000 results. Then if I do another search that only yield 100 results unless I scrolled to the top of the results after the first search I'll see nothing but a blank page. This isn't an issue for me because I understand I need to scroll upwards to view the results. However this sheet will be used by others who will not be as familiar with it's functionality and I would like the screen to "reset" to the original position.
    Something that I would achieve by pressing "ctrl-home". I couldn't find a way to do this with cell activation or selection. does anyone have any ideas?

    I apologize for the confusing post but my problem lies in the face I can't describe my problem well enough to look it up in a manual/help file

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor tony h's Avatar
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    England: London and Lincolnshire
    try a


    it should just scroll you to the top of the page

    hope this helps

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony h
    try a


    it should just scroll you to the top of the page

    hope this helps
    that selects the cell, but doesn't "center" the screen to that point

    that's similar to what I had, if i carriage return or use an arrow key to move it'll reset the screen to the point but doesn't do it automatically

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
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    to do it in code use

    With ActiveWindow.Panes(ActiveWindow.Panes.Count)
    .SmallScroll Up:=Rows.Count, ToLeft:=Columns.Count
    End With

    you can run this at the end of your macro

  5. #5
    Forum Contributor
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    Quote Originally Posted by peejay
    to do it in code use

    With ActiveWindow.Panes(ActiveWindow.Panes.Count)
    .SmallScroll Up:=Rows.Count, ToLeft:=Columns.Count
    End With

    you can run this at the end of your macro
    ah yes. thank you thank you

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