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This routine just keeps on going! Why?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    This routine just keeps on going! Why?


    I'm trying to schedule a mail being sent out every day, with an attachment. However I don't want it to run on a weekend (ie weekday is 1 or 7). The onTime method does work to the extent that it counts down and runs the routine, however it just keeps running it thereafter and I end up sending the same mail over and over. I have no idea why. Well, I think its to do with the schedule property of the onTime method, its set to true by default. But when I try and set it to False, I get a 1004 error. At my wits end here, can anyone help? Here's the code:

    Sub evalDay()

    sTimer = Now + TimeValue("23:59:59")
    mSent = False
    If WeekDay(Now) = 7 Then
    ElseIf WeekDay(Now) = 1 Then
    ElseIf WeekDay(Now) <> 7 And WeekDay(Now) <> 1 Then
    Application.OnTime sTimer, "sendMenu.xls!Sheet1.sendIt"
    End If
    End Sub

    Sub saturday()
    Application.OnTime TimeValue("23:59:58"), "sendMenu.xls!sheet1.sunday"
    End Sub
    Sub sunday()
    Do While Time <> "23:59:59"

    If Time = "23:59:59" Then Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("8:59:59"), "sendmenu.xls!sheet1.sendIt"
    End Sub
    Sub sendIt()

    If WeekDay(Now) = 7 Then
    ElseIf WeekDay(Now) = 1 Then
    Set oApp = CreateObject("outlook.application")
    Set oItem = oApp.createItem(olMailItem)

    oItem.attachments.Add ("\\FP06\common$\Facilities\Eurest - Restaurant\Menus\Menu.doc")
    oItem.To = "Clevedon Support Centre"
    oItem.Body = "Hi," & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Please find attached this weeks menu. You can access the ordering system from within the attached menu." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Regards" & Chr(13) & "Joe Foster"

    Set oApp = Nothing

    End If
    End Sub

    I can't even step through the code to check for the error because the timers get all screwy and I get messages about not being able to execute code in break mode. Irritating to say the least!!!!!

    Help much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
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    Quote Originally Posted by LFCFan

    I'm trying to schedule a mail being sent out every day, with an attachment. However I don't want it to run on a weekend (ie weekday is 1 or 7). The onTime method does work to the extent that it counts down and runs the routine, however it just keeps running it thereafter and I end up sending the same mail over and over. I have no idea why. Well, I think its to do with the schedule property of the onTime method, its set to true by default. But when I try and set it to False, I get a 1004 error. At my wits end here, can anyone help? Here's the code:

    Sub evalDay()

    sTimer = Now + TimeValue("23:59:59")
    mSent = False
    If WeekDay(Now) = 7 Then
    ElseIf WeekDay(Now) = 1 Then
    ElseIf WeekDay(Now) <> 7 And WeekDay(Now) <> 1 Then
    Application.OnTime sTimer, "sendMenu.xls!Sheet1.sendIt"
    End If
    End Sub

    Sub saturday()
    Application.OnTime TimeValue("23:59:58"), "sendMenu.xls!sheet1.sunday"
    End Sub
    Sub sunday()
    Do While Time <> "23:59:59"

    If Time = "23:59:59" Then Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("8:59:59"), "sendmenu.xls!sheet1.sendIt"
    End Sub
    Sub sendIt()

    If WeekDay(Now) = 7 Then
    ElseIf WeekDay(Now) = 1 Then
    Set oApp = CreateObject("outlook.application")
    Set oItem = oApp.createItem(olMailItem)

    oItem.attachments.Add ("\\FP06\common$\Facilities\Eurest - Restaurant\Menus\Menu.doc")
    oItem.To = "Clevedon Support Centre"
    oItem.Body = "Hi," & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Please find attached this weeks menu. You can access the ordering system from within the attached menu." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Regards" & Chr(13) & "Joe Foster"

    Set oApp = Nothing

    End If
    End Sub

    I can't even step through the code to check for the error because the timers get all screwy and I get messages about not being able to execute code in break mode. Irritating to say the least!!!!!

    Help much appreciated.
    I found a comment (quote) "Note how we pass the time of 15 minutes to the Public Variable dTime This is so we can have the OnTime Method cancelled in the Workbook_BeforeClose Event by setting the optional Schedule argument set to False. If we didn't pass the time to a variable Excel would not know which OnTime Method to cancel as Now + TimeValue("00:15:00")is NOT static, but is when passed to a variable. If we didn't set the optional Schedule argument set to False the Workbook would automatically open every 15 minutes after closing it and run MyMacro" (end) which could be useful to you. It was from http://www.ozgrid.com/Excel/run-macro-on-time.htm

    I see no purpose in te red code, unless you are aware of something else.

    for "If WeekDay(Now) = 7 Then
    ElseIf WeekDay(Now) = 1 Then
    ElseIf WeekDay(Now) <> 7 And WeekDay(Now) <> 1 Then"

    you have already removed 7 and 1, so why the need to re-test. same in SendIt, you went to sat on day 7, sunday on day 1, and SendIt for the other days, so the point of testing 7 & 1 in SendIt seems wasted.

    Does this help you?

    Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Hi Bryan,

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly on this one. To satisfy your curiosity, the red items of code you pointed out are for the remote possibility of anyone opening this sheet and setting off only the sendIt module (I code paranoid Im afraid). The page you pointed out was kind of useful, but there still seems to be a problem with cancelling ontime events.

    This line of code.....

    Application.OnTime sTimer, "sendIt", , False

    ...threw an error as soon as I tried to use it (Method ontime of object application failed). I just have a nasty feeling that if the Ontime isn't cancelled it will schedule itself to run again and again. Its only the saturday and sunday routines I'm concerned about as the monday-friday routine is simple. Any ideas as to why this error is being thrown? This is how the code looks now:

    Sub evalDay()
    sTimer = TimeValue("09:00:00")
    If WeekDay(Now) = 7 Then
    ElseIf WeekDay(Now) = 1 Then
    Application.OnTime sTimer, "sendIt"
    End If
    End Sub

    Sub saturday()

    Application.OnTime sTimer, "sendIt", , False
    '****Cancel the daily routine - Error
    Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("23:59:59"), "sunday"

    End Sub

    Sub sunday()

    Application.OnTime sTimer, "sendIt", , False
    '*****Cancel the daily routine - Error
    If Time = "23:59:59" Then Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("8:59:59"), "sendIt"

    End Sub

    Sub sendIt()

    Set oApp = CreateObject("outlook.application")
    Set oItem = oApp.createItem(olMailItem)

    oItem.attachments.Add ("attachment_Path")
    oItem.To = "someone@somedomain.com"
    oItem.Body = "Message content"

    Set oApp = Nothing

    End Sub

    Much appreciated

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