I am from the UK, so our date format is dd/mm/yyyy.

My code builds a string from some other strings to make a date:

strDOBDay = "11"
strDOBMonth = "08"
strDOBYear = "1961"

I then build a new string, strDateOfBirth, as follows:

strDateOfBirth = strDOBDay & "/" & strDOBMonth & "/" & strDOBYear

Which is 11th August, 1961.

However, when my code adds it to a worksheet, something strange happens! It appears on the worksheet as "08/11/1961". When I reformat the cell, it has made the date the 8th November, not 11th August!

The code to add the string to my worksheet is:

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 8) = Format(strDateOfBirth, "dd/mm/yyyy")

I ought to point out that if I change the format to:

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 8) = Format(strDateOfBirth, "dd/mmmm/yyyy")

Then the cell shows as "11-Aug-61".

This is really annoying me! What on earth is going on?

Why would the date be changed to 8th November using the first format, but stay as the correct date of 11th August using the second format????

I would really be grateful if someone could solve this!!!!
