Quote Originally Posted by wiredwrx
Thanks for the code. I have a question though,

I just started with VBA and MACROS, and want to keep all my macros in a workbook called Macros.

However, I want to run the macro in other workbooks.

When I tried that, I ran into an issue with the following line,

Set cellB = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & (cellA.Row + 1) & ":A1000").Find(what:=cellA.Value)

First, is there a way to change the ("sheet1) reference to something like ("currentsheet") where that means the currently active sheet.

Also, does the "& ":A1000")" in the line mean that it stops checking at row 1000. Is there a way to make this work till the end of the data?

1. definitely. you can use activesheet to refer to the currently selected sheet

2. it does stop checking at a1000. you can statically change that value to a larger number or you could do it dynamically with a cell.specialcells(xllastcell).row