
This is my first time here and my first time trying to program in Excel.

I have a workbook called myworkbook and within this I have 3 sheets called good, better and best.

I have 2 questions:
1.) How do I sum all the values in a column and then display the answer in another column of sheet GOOD. Lets say the values are from b1 - b20 and the total must appear in b22. This must be done when the user clicks a button on the sheet - ie onclick.

2.) In my sheet called BETTER, I have a value which will always be in b22. This value will ALWAYS be less than the value in sheet GOOD, postion b22. In sheet BETTER, I now want a button that when clicked will go into a loop which adds 0.01 to the value in sheet BETTER, postion b22 until this value (in BETTER, b22) is equals to the value in GOOD, postion b22. It only has to be accurate to the closest whole number (dont worry about decimals).

I other words - all I'm trying to do is add 0.01 to a value in one sheet until it is equal to the value in another sheet.

Hope you can help.
