Hi, I have a spreadsheet(database) that I use to import data to. I import the data in a row at the top of my list, so as new data comes in, the time fields are always in cells d2,e2,f2,g2. The users who enter the data on the other sheets i import them from enter the time in 1 of 3 formats:
1)Standard AM/PM time with colons
2)Military time with colons
3)Military time without colons
So when I import the data my coloumns are formatted for AM/PM time, but if the data is in format 3, all I get is 12:00 as the imported time. All other formats, my database is fine with.
When I import the data it is done from a VBA Macro so I would like to add a bit of code to that same macro that will first check the cells being imported for format and if and only if it is in format 3, I want it to add the colon. It does not have to convert it to military time as my database uses the AM/PM format.
Thanks for reading, any help is greatly appreciated.