I'm a newbie.

I'm trying to make my first VBA function work, and I know I'm very close, but I'm hitting some roadblocks.

I've got a couple functions defined in a single module, and both functions appear in the User-Defined list in the Insert Function dialogue. But, even though both functions take arguments, the dialogue is telling me that they take no arguments.

Secondly, whether I put arguments in or not, I only get a "#NAME?" error, which leads me to believe that for some reason Excel is not finding the functions properly.

I've tried all the little slight adjustments I can think of, and I've even tried turning the macro security to low, hoping that it might somehow be related. Further, when I tried downloading a sample workbook from an online Excel/VBA tutorial, the sample code gave me the exact same trouble, so I'm wondering if there's some preference or setting somewhere that I need to turn on/off...

Just in case, here are my functions. Obviously, the second one is just something simple I'm trying to test with.

I would really appreciate any insight or ideas on what I can try. Thanks in advance.

Function GetNth(team As Range, pos As String, nth As Integer) As String
Dim row As Integer
Dim done As Boolean
Dim found As Integer
Dim result As String

row = 0
done = False
found = 0
result = "..."

Do Until (done = True) Or (row = 14)
row = row + 1
If team.Cells(row, 1) = pos Then
found = found + 1
If found = nth Then
result = team.Cells(row, 2)
End If
done = True
End If
GetNth = result
End Function

Function AddOne(num As Integer) As Integer
AddOne = num + 1
End Function