so some final questions on a project I have. The first question is when using VBA to insert a Vlookup which is being inserted when I search for a word and then move over 3 columns to the right and then insert the answer. How can I make this an absolute reference to the array for Vlookup? Currently it keeps moving my start point of the array down the page as it inserts down the page and so near the end can give inaccurate no reference found.
How can I fix this?
Second question, my main rollup page references the worksheets on various pages throughout the workbook and what I really would like to be able to do is delete all the worksheets in the book except the front page, then when I reimport new data into the work book with the same sheet names the front page will give the correct answer due to finding that worksheet name reference. Currently this is not happening, all the front sheet formulas are defaulting to #REF for the array even when the original page is reinserted.
Can this be fixed?
Again thanks for the help. it has been invaluable.