Hi all.

I have blocks of data where column A is arranged as follows (note the 'name' will all be different, The text 'Starts:' is constant):

rows of data (number of rows varies from 0 to 100 or more)
rows of data
rows of data
rows of data
rows of data

and so on, for up to 20-30 name blocks.

What I'm trying to do is to get the number of rows between a cell containg 'Starts:' and the next name in column A to = 22, including 2 empty rows at the bottom.

So if the number of 'data' rows is less than 20 (some blocks will have 0 rows of data), I need to pad it out with empty rows, but if it's more than 20 I need to delete the excess rows (starting at the bottom of the block). I then need to add an additional 2 empty rows so I end up with the following:

A1: Name1
A2: Starts:
A3 to A22: data/empty rows
A23: empty row
A24: empty row
A25: Name2
A26: Starts:
A27 to A46: data/empty rows
A47: empty row
A48: empty row
A49: Name3
A50: Starts:
A51 to A70: data/empty rows
A71: empty row
A72: empty row

All the way down the sheet.

I have got as far as figuring out how to add the 2 empty rows I need but have no idea where to head on the rest. Note that while I have only used column A in the example, entire rows need to be considered as other columns also contain data.