When a user first opens a template worksheet he clicks a button which runs a
macro containing unput boxes for him to input information. If, during the
course of filling out the worksheet, he changes the value in cell B5 or cel
E5 I need the input boxes to run again. In order to keep the first input
boxes from running continually, I know I need Application.EnableEvents in the
worksheet_change code. I can't get the worksheet_change code to work
properly, however. The initial input boxes either run continually or the
macros listed below don't run at all when B5 or E5 change. Can someone help
me fix the below code. Thanks.
fyi - I have 3 modules. The first one runs all input boxes. The one
referenced below called input_fieldsNoPartNumber runs all input boxes but the
partnumber box, which initially populates cell B5 and the module called
input_fieldsnochangelevel runs all input boxes except the change level field,
which initially populates cell E5.
code below is one of the many variations I've tried.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$B$5" And Range("AA5").Value <> "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Call Input_FieldsNoPartNumber
'Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
'Exit Sub
If Target.Address = "$E$5" And Range("AA5").Value <> "" Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
Call Input_FieldsNoChangeLevel
Application.EnableEvents = True
'Exit Sub
End If
End Sub