Hi All

I am trying to filter a number of OLAP pivots from an array of values that
are in fact selections made by the user from check boxes. Thanks to the help
received here over the last few days, I have managed to filter non-olaps
pivots but can't get the olap filter to work. The code I am trying is :

If aState$(a&) = "(All)" Then
pf3.CurrentPageList = Array("[Customer
Country].[All Customer Country]")
End If
If a& > 1 Then
For j = LBound(aState$) To UBound(aState$)
For Each pi In pf3.PivotItems
pf3.CurrentPageList =
Array("[Customer Country].[All Customer Country]." & aState$(a&))
Next pi
Next j
End If

If anybody has any ideas I would be extremely grateful.
