Hi! I try to open a program from a macro in Excel and login (the Bloomberg
professional, (not the website)) using SendKeys. With some help from other
programmers I got the following code. It does not work at all though and I am
lost. Can someone please help me with this? My problems are:
1) I get error on the WaitFor …line. ”Sub or Function has not been defined”
2) If I delete the WairFor line I get error on the
AppActivate("1-BLOOMBERG") line. “Illegal procedure call or argument”
Sub bbg_login()
Application.SendKeys "{BREAK}",false
WaitFor timevalue("00:00:01")
Application.SendKeys "user_Name", false
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}", false
Application.SendKeys "password", false
Application.SendKeys "~", false
End Sub
Any help appreciated!