You have unqualified ranges in your code.


the .range portion is qualified with worksheets(1). But Cells() isn't qualified
by anything--and if this code is in a general module, that unqualified range
will refer to the activesheet.

So at leaste one of these will blow up:
or worksheets(2).range(cells(...

Since they both can't be active.

In your case, it looks like you don't need .range() in all your statements.

Dim srcRowNum As Integer
Dim dstRowNum As Integer
srcRowNum = 19
dstRowNum = 2
Do Until rownum > 600
'you have two .copy statements. The first isn't used!
'Cells(srcRowNum + 1, 1).Copy
Worksheets(1).Cells(srcRowNum + 1, 1).Copy
Worksheets(2).Cells(dstRowNum, 1).Paste

'but you'll want to qualify the range here:
with worksheets(1)
.range(.Cells(srcRowNum, 4), .Cells(srcRowNum, 16)).Copy
end with
Worksheets(2).Cells(dstRowNum, 2).Paste
srcRowNum = srcRowNum + 6

'and again here
with Worksheets(1)
.Range(.Cells(srcRowNum, 4), .Cells(srcRowNum, 16)).Copy
end with
Worksheets(2).Cells(dstRowNum, 17).Paste
srcRowNum = srcRowNum + 8
dstRowNum = dstRowNum + 1

Note the dots in front of the .cells() portion. That means that that range
(.cells(srcRownum,4) belongs to the object in the previous With statement--in
this case worksheets(1).

I did change the logic of your code, though.

This line:

Worksheets(2).Range(Cells(dstRowNum, 17)).Paste

Says to pick up the value from cells(dstRowNum,17) from the activesheet. It
would have to look like an address (A17, X99) and then you'd be left with

But I didn't think that's what you really wanted to do.

Finny wrote:
> I think the code is straightforward in its intent.
> I just want to pluck a cell value from sheet 1 to sheet 2
> Then a range to sheet 2
> then another range to sheet 2
> How can this be done?
> Thanks in advance.
> Dim srcRowNum As Integer
> Dim dstRowNum As Integer
> srcRowNum = 19
> dstRowNum = 2
> Do Until rownum > 600
> Range(Cells(srcRowNum + 1, 1)).Copy
> Worksheets(1).Range(Cells(srcRowNum + 1, 1)).Copy
> Worksheets(2).Range(Cells(dstRowNum, 1)).Paste
> Worksheets(1).Range(Cells(srcRowNum, 4), Cells(srcRowNum,
> 16)).Copy
> Worksheets(2).Range(Cells(dstRowNum, 2)).Paste
> srcRowNum = srcRowNum + 6
> Worksheets(1).Range(Cells(srcRowNum, 4), Cells(srcRowNum,
> 16)).Copy
> Worksheets(2).Range(Cells(dstRowNum, 17)).Paste
> srcRowNum = srcRowNum + 8
> dstRowNum = dstRowNum + 1
> Loop


Dave Peterson