Hey all,

I need to format a text file that has about 2500 entries, set up in 3
fields like this: machinename # a coment goes here

This file has gotten updated over the years, but the field delimiters
havent been kept constant: some are single tabs (good), others are
several spaces/tabs (bad). If I could format the file in such a way
that the 3 fields are separated by a single tab, that would make
importing the file into Excel far cleaner.

I've thought about adding a method to my macro that goes through the
text file and replaces all spaces with a single tab, but unfortunately
this would also be done to the comments, which I can't have happen. All
spaces, and multiple tabs separating the 3 fields need to be replaced
with a single tab, and anything after the '#' sign needs to be left as

Is there a way that this delimiter formatting can happen after
importing into excel, or is it something that needs to be done into a
temp file before importing? Any and all help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
