
Must be something I'm not understanding here....and that's not's what I tried but it didn't do a thing, didn't give me a
list or even an error msg. Can you please tell me what I've done wrong here?

As I indicated above in this thread, Jim's add-in worked fine and gave me
what I wanted but I'd sure like to understand your code also. Any help would
be greatly appreciated.


"Tom Ogilvy" wrote:

> Sub Finddir()
> Dim FSO As Object
> Dim fDir As Object
> Dim fSubDir As Object
> Dim i As Long
> Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
> Set fDir = FSO.GetFolder("C:\MyMainSubFolder")
> For Each fSubDir In fDir.SubFolders
> i = i + 1
> Cells(i, "A").Value = fSubDir.Name
> Next fSubDir
> End Sub
> --
> Regards,
> Tom Ogilvy
> "Don" wrote:
> > Hi Gang,
> >
> > Not sure if this is the correct forum or not but here goes....I would like
> > to create a list of sub-folder names in either xcel or Word. I don't need to
> > have the contents of the folders shown, only the names of same. All these
> > sub-folders are in a seperate main folder on my C: drive. There are over 500
> > sub-folders involved.
> >
> > If I'm in the wrong place, please advise where I might post this....TIA
> >
> > Don
> >
> >