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Transfer Module1 from PC to Mac

  1. #1
    Jim May

    Transfer Module1 from PC to Mac

    The below code works PREFECTLY on my Exccel 2003 - Windows PC

    I took it out to a client's office this morning and we spent 2 hours
    trying to get the Macro ExtractDataFromFiles() to run -- all without
    Our initial problem started with line 2 - where I needed to replace
    Const.... with the area on the Mac HD... neither he or I knew exactly
    How to do it... We might have fixed it because we 30 minutes later
    noticed the code stopped on the line:
    UserForm1.Show vbModeless << with the keyword vbmodeless highlite < so
    I ''
    Commented it out and things seemed to run a bit further,, but anyway it
    Up being a 2 hour fiasco, unfortunately, and I was so proud of what I
    Done on my windows PC,, grrrrrr
    Can anyone offer some help here - He has an uptodate Macintosh (sorry
    Know versions of it or his excel ver,,,

    Option Explicit
    Option Base 1

    Sub ExtractDataFromFiles()
    Const sPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Jim May\My Documents\Boatwright
    Dim sName As String
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim r(1 To 14) As Variant

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    sName = Dir(sPath & "PA*.xls")
    j = 6 ' Data starts on Row 6
    MsgBox "There are " & FileCount(sPath) & " Qualifying Files"
    UserForm1.Show vbModeless
    Do While sName <> ""
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(sPath & sName)
    With wb.Worksheets("Cost Analysis")
    r(1) = .Range("J2").Value
    r(2) = .Range("B4").Value
    r(3) = .Range("B6").Value
    r(4) = .Range("G4").Value
    r(5) = Left(.Range("G6").Value, Len(.Range("G6")) - 2)
    r(6) = Right(.Range("G6").Value, 2)
    r(7) = .Range("J1").Value
    r(8) = .Range("G51").Value
    r(9) = .Range("G53").Value
    r(10) = .Range("G54").Value
    r(11) = .Range("G56").Value
    r(12) = .Range("G57").Value
    r(13) = .Range("G58").Value
    r(14) = .Range("G59").Value
    End With
    wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
    With ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
    For n = 1 To 14
    ..Cells(j, n).Value = r(n)
    Next n
    End With
    j = j + 1
    sName = Dir
    Range("G3").Value = Now()
    Unload UserForm1
    End Sub
    Function FileCount(FolderName As String, _
    Optional FileFilter As String = "PA*.xls", _
    Optional FileTypes As Long = 1, _
    Optional SubFolders As Boolean = False) As Long
    With Application.FileSearch
    .LookIn = FolderName
    .SearchSubFolders = SubFolders
    .Filename = FileFilter
    .MatchTextExactly = True
    .FileType = FileTypes
    FileCount = .FoundFiles.Count
    End With
    End Function

    Sub AutoFilterOn()
    If Sheets("Main").AutoFilterMode = False Then
    End If
    End Sub

  2. #2

    Re: Transfer Module1 from PC to Mac

    Mac certainly have a different format for the drive and may be for the path,
    your const sPath is not a valid location.
    I'd be surprised if he had a "..\Documents and Settings\Jim May\My
    Documents.." path anyway, as that is Windows structure.
    I assume the Mac version has a macro recorder, so see what it gives you for
    the required path .


    "Jim May" <jmay@cox.net> ???????:uo4Bg.106109$IZ2.3687@dukeread07...
    > The below code works PREFECTLY on my Exccel 2003 - Windows PC
    > I took it out to a client's office this morning and we spent 2 hours
    > trying to get the Macro ExtractDataFromFiles() to run -- all without
    > success.
    > Our initial problem started with line 2 - where I needed to replace
    > Const.... with the area on the Mac HD... neither he or I knew exactly
    > How to do it... We might have fixed it because we 30 minutes later noticed
    > the code stopped on the line:
    > UserForm1.Show vbModeless << with the keyword vbmodeless highlite < so I
    > ''
    > Commented it out and things seemed to run a bit further,, but anyway it
    > ended
    > Up being a 2 hour fiasco, unfortunately, and I was so proud of what I had
    > Done on my windows PC,, grrrrrr
    > Can anyone offer some help here - He has an uptodate Macintosh (sorry
    > don't
    > Know versions of it or his excel ver,,,
    > Thanks,
    > Option Explicit
    > Option Base 1
    > Sub ExtractDataFromFiles()
    > Const sPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Jim May\My Documents\Boatwright
    > Stan\Projects\Lodging_Technology\Contracts\"
    > Dim sName As String
    > Dim wb As Workbook
    > Dim j As Integer
    > Dim n As Integer
    > Dim r(1 To 14) As Variant
    > ActiveSheet.Range("A6:N2000").ClearContents
    > Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    > Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    > sName = Dir(sPath & "PA*.xls")
    > j = 6 ' Data starts on Row 6
    > MsgBox "There are " & FileCount(sPath) & " Qualifying Files"
    > UserForm1.Show vbModeless
    > Do While sName <> ""
    > Set wb = Workbooks.Open(sPath & sName)
    > With wb.Worksheets("Cost Analysis")
    > r(1) = .Range("J2").Value
    > r(2) = .Range("B4").Value
    > r(3) = .Range("B6").Value
    > r(4) = .Range("G4").Value
    > r(5) = Left(.Range("G6").Value, Len(.Range("G6")) - 2)
    > r(6) = Right(.Range("G6").Value, 2)
    > r(7) = .Range("J1").Value
    > r(8) = .Range("G51").Value
    > r(9) = .Range("G53").Value
    > r(10) = .Range("G54").Value
    > r(11) = .Range("G56").Value
    > r(12) = .Range("G57").Value
    > r(13) = .Range("G58").Value
    > r(14) = .Range("G59").Value
    > End With
    > wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
    > DoEvents
    > UserForm1.Repaint
    > With ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
    > For n = 1 To 14
    > .Cells(j, n).Value = r(n)
    > Next n
    > End With
    > j = j + 1
    > sName = Dir
    > Loop
    > Range("G3").Value = Now()
    > AutoFilterOn
    > UserForm1.Hide
    > Unload UserForm1
    > End Sub
    > Function FileCount(FolderName As String, _
    > Optional FileFilter As String = "PA*.xls", _
    > Optional FileTypes As Long = 1, _
    > Optional SubFolders As Boolean = False) As Long
    > With Application.FileSearch
    > .NewSearch
    > .LookIn = FolderName
    > .SearchSubFolders = SubFolders
    > .Filename = FileFilter
    > .MatchTextExactly = True
    > .FileType = FileTypes
    > .Execute
    > FileCount = .FoundFiles.Count
    > End With
    > End Function
    > Sub AutoFilterOn()
    > If Sheets("Main").AutoFilterMode = False Then
    > Range("A5:N5").AutoFilter
    > End If
    > End Sub

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