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Showing MsgBox after Control Toolbar macro runs

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Guest Showing MsgBox after Control... 08-03-2006, 07:50 PM
Guest Re: Showing MsgBox after... 08-04-2006, 12:35 AM
Guest Re: Showing MsgBox after... 08-04-2006, 09:05 PM
  1. #1
    Don Wiss

    Showing MsgBox after Control Toolbar macro runs

    I have a combo box from the Control Toolbar on a sheet. It calls a Change
    macro that is behind the sheet. After the macro runs (and does a lot of
    writing to various sheets) I'd like to display a warning message under
    certain circumstances. The MsgBox beeps, but does not display. If I put a
    stop before it and step through the code, then it displays. Also if I put a
    dummy MsgBox "" first, then the second one that I want does display. But
    I'd rather not do this kludge.

    Don <www.donwiss.com> (e-mail link at home page bottom).

  2. #2

    Re: Showing MsgBox after Control Toolbar macro runs

    Post the relevant code, otherwise it's a tad difficult.


    "Don Wiss" <donwiss@no_spam.com> wrote in message
    > I have a combo box from the Control Toolbar on a sheet. It calls a Change
    > macro that is behind the sheet. After the macro runs (and does a lot of
    > writing to various sheets) I'd like to display a warning message under
    > certain circumstances. The MsgBox beeps, but does not display. If I put a
    > stop before it and step through the code, then it displays. Also if I put

    > dummy MsgBox "" first, then the second one that I want does display. But
    > I'd rather not do this kludge.
    > Don <www.donwiss.com> (e-mail link at home page bottom).

  3. #3
    Don Wiss

    Re: Showing MsgBox after Control Toolbar macro runs

    On Fri, 4 Aug 2006 12:28:55 +0800, "NickHK" <TungCheWah@Invalid.com> wrote:

    >Don Wiss <donwiss@no_spam.com> wrote:
    >> I have a combo box from the Control Toolbar on a sheet. It calls a Change
    >> macro that is behind the sheet. After the macro runs (and does a lot of
    >> writing to various sheets) I'd like to display a warning message under
    >> certain circumstances. The MsgBox beeps, but does not display. If I put a
    >> stop before it and step through the code, then it displays. Also if I put a
    >> dummy MsgBox "" first, then the second one that I want does display. But
    >> I'd rather not do this kludge.

    >Post the relevant code, otherwise it's a tad difficult.

    Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
    BulkLimChange "AL"
    End Sub

    Sub BulkLimChange(LOB As String)
    ' this is called by the bulklim combo box change event
    Dim S As String
    If ActiveSheet.Name = "GU_Pick_" & LOB Then
    AllCalcs LOB ' this macro calls lots of code, including numerous calls to an Access database
    If Application.EnableEvents Then
    S = Range("LRLossCostRate").Formula
    If Left(S, 1) <> "=" And Len(S) <> 0 Then
    ' this first one is not displayed, but if not here the second isn't
    MsgBox ""
    ' we might as well show them the new numbers
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    MsgBox "Your " & LOB & " loss pick is hard coded. When you change the Loss Rating Limit you have to change your pick.", vbExclamation, "Reminder To Change " & LOB & " Loss Pick"
    End If
    SendKeys "{ESC}"
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    Don <www.donwiss.com> (e-mail link at home page bottom).

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