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Question about using FIND in macros

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Question about using FIND in macros

    I have 2 questions about using the Find function in macos.

    1) My macro uses Find to search for text and highlights the cell containing the text. If the text is not found, it throws an error. How can I avoid the error and just continue with the macro? There's probably an IF clause to be used.

    2) If the text is found, it then activates the cell next to it, and populates it with a value from another tab. Currently, the cell location in the other tab is hardcoded but I'd like to use the find function during referencing that tab. Is this possible? For ex: instead of saying Range("A1") = Sheet1!("D1"), I want to say Range("A1") = Sheet1!<find text "abc" in column 3 and get the value in the cell next to it>

    As always, thanks a ton!

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Question about using FIND in macros


    Dim FoundCell as Range
    with worksheets("Sheet1")
    set foundcell = .cells.find(yourfindstatementhere, ....)
    end with
    if foundcell is nothing then
    'do nothing
    'do the work
    end if

    #2. You want to find something on sheet1 and something else in Sheet2 column C?

    Dim FoundCell1 as range
    dim FoundCell2 as range

    with worksheets("Sheet1")
    set foundcell1 = .cells.find(yourfindstatementhere, ....)
    end with

    if foundcell1 is nothing then
    'do nothing
    msgbox "not found on sheet2"
    'do the work
    with worksheets("sheet2").range("C:C")
    set foundcell2 = .cells.find(yourotherfindhere, ...)
    end with

    if foundcell2 is nothing then
    msgbox "not found on sheet2"
    foundcell1.value = foundcell2.offset(0,1).value
    end if
    end if

    But I'm not sure I really understand.

    cooldyood wrote:
    > I have 2 questions about using the Find function in macos.
    > 1) My macro uses Find to search for text and highlights the cell
    > containing the text. If the text is not found, it throws an error. How
    > can I avoid the error and just continue with the macro? There's
    > probably an IF clause to be used.
    > 2) If the text is found, it then activates the cell next to it, and
    > populates it with a value from another tab. Currently, the cell
    > location in the other tab is hardcoded but I'd like to use the find
    > function during referencing that tab. Is this possible? For ex: instead
    > of saying Range("A1") = Sheet1!("D1"), I want to say Range("A1") =
    > Sheet1!<find text "abc" in column 3 and get the value in the cell next
    > to it>
    > As always, thanks a ton!
    > --
    > cooldyood
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > cooldyood's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=35611
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=569245


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dave, I think you answered both Qs but I'll try them tomorrow and let you know.

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