Why not make the row height higher and stick with the double underline. Or
put the double underline on the next row and make the row height of that row
smaller if necessary.

Tom Ogilvy

"ingineu" <ingineu.2bpu0t_1154191207.9567@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in
message news:ingineu.2bpu0t_1154191207.9567@excelforum-nospam.com...
> I am trying to add a double underline into a specific row (Cell "A" &
> row). The row can change so I cannot code the position. Initially I
> had the text coded with a double underline, but my user wants some
> space between the text and the underline, which led me to try using the
> shape object. How would I change the following code:
> Code:
> --------------------
> With Sheets(shtRpt).Shapes.AddLine(0, 100, 132, 100).Line
> .Style = msoLineThinThin
> .Weight = 3#
> End With
> --------------------
> Thanks.
> --
> ingineu
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