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EXCEL 2003 Why have my formulae stopped working uncomplicated work

  1. #1
    John Baker - Rustington

    EXCEL 2003 Why have my formulae stopped working uncomplicated work

    I am the treasurer of my local methodist church.I Have used the same spread
    sheet for the last three years. In the last three weeks and eleven months
    into the financial year the various formulae have stopped updating the
    various totals. If I amend the formula my even only one element and confirm
    the total will update, but this does not right the position the next time I
    add a new entry.

  2. #2
    Norman Jones

    Re: EXCEL 2003 Why have my formulae stopped working uncomplicated work

    Hi John,


    Tools | Calculation | Check the Aotomatic option.


    "John Baker - Rustington" <John Baker -
    [email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I am the treasurer of my local methodist church.I Have used the same spread
    > sheet for the last three years. In the last three weeks and eleven months
    > into the financial year the various formulae have stopped updating the
    > various totals. If I amend the formula my even only one element and
    > confirm
    > the total will update, but this does not right the position the next time
    > I
    > add a new entry.
    > Help!!

  3. #3
    John Baker - Rustington

    RE: EXCEL 2003 Why have my formulae stopped working uncomplicated work

    "John Baker - Rustington" wrote:

    > I am the treasurer of my local methodist church.I Have used the same spread
    > sheet for the last three years. In the last three weeks and eleven months
    > into the financial year the various formulae have stopped updating the
    > various totals. If I amend the formula my even only one element and confirm
    > the total will update, but this does not right the position the next time I
    > add a new entry. REPLY TO Norman Jones.

    Followed suggestion 'automatic' 'circle' already checked! Presumably Norman
    is not suggesting the one below. Not sure I know what an .'iteration' is. My
    BIBLE doesn't even mention the term
    Thank you however

  4. #4
    John Baker - Rustington

    RE: EXCEL 2003 Why have my formulae stopped working uncomplicated work

    I have found the answer!
    Most instruction books do not specifically mention the word 'iterations'
    Tools>options>Calculation>uncheck the iteration box.
    That rather 'simple' operationb restored the formulae immediately.
    John Baker 3 August 2006

    "John Baker - Rustington" wrote:

    > I am the treasurer of my local methodist church.I Have used the same spread
    > sheet for the last three years. In the last three weeks and eleven months
    > into the financial year the various formulae have stopped updating the
    > various totals. If I amend the formula my even only one element and confirm
    > the total will update, but this does not right the position the next time I
    > add a new entry.
    > Help!!

  5. #5
    John Baker - Rustington

    RE: EXCEL 2003 Why have my formulae stopped working uncomplicated work

    I have found the answer!
    Most instruction books do not specifically mention the word 'iterations'
    Tools>options>Calculation>uncheck the iteration box.
    That rather 'simple' operationb restored the formulae immediately.
    John Baker 3 August 2006

    "John Baker - Rustington" wrote:

    > I am the treasurer of my local methodist church.I Have used the same spread
    > sheet for the last three years. In the last three weeks and eleven months
    > into the financial year the various formulae have stopped updating the
    > various totals. If I amend the formula my even only one element and confirm
    > the total will update, but this does not right the position the next time I
    > add a new entry.
    > Help!!

  6. #6
    John Baker - Rustington

    RE: EXCEL 2003 Why have my formulae stopped working uncomplicated work

    I have found the answer!
    Most instruction books do not specifically mention the word 'iterations'
    Tools>options>Calculation>uncheck the iteration box.
    That rather 'simple' operationb restored the formulae immediately.
    John Baker 3 August 2006

    "John Baker - Rustington" wrote:

    > I am the treasurer of my local methodist church.I Have used the same spread
    > sheet for the last three years. In the last three weeks and eleven months
    > into the financial year the various formulae have stopped updating the
    > various totals. If I amend the formula my even only one element and confirm
    > the total will update, but this does not right the position the next time I
    > add a new entry.
    > Help!!

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