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vlookup using vba while allowing manual changes

  1. #1

    vlookup using vba while allowing manual changes

    Hey everyone,

    It took me about 5 minutes just to come up with a subject line for my
    question.. I just hope that my question itself won't be too confusing
    to answer..

    I work for a payroll company and have been assigned to create new forms
    that will be used by payroll clerks then submitted to data entry
    clerks. The way they work is I have one cell (A1) for inputting an
    employee identification number (Empl_ID) and another cell (B1) for
    retrieving the name of the employee (Empl_Name) from a table of values.

    What I need to do is after the user inputs the Empl_ID in A1, then B1
    will automatically populate with the Empl_Name from the table of
    values. However, if it does not find the Empl_ID in the table, then
    the user will have to manually input the Empl_Name in B1.

    The simple solution is just to stuff a VLookup in B1, but if the
    Empl_Name result comes up as #N/A, I don't want the user to overwrite
    the VLookup formula in B1.

    I know this is simple, but I've been RTFM'ing for the past 3 days and
    just can't come up with the proper formula.. Any help or solutions
    would be graciously appreciated.

    Thanks very much,
    Richard Garrett

  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: vlookup using vba while allowing manual changes

    Maybe you could use an event macro:

    Option Explicit

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim myTable As Range
    Dim res As Variant

    'one cell at a time
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub

    'only in column A
    If Intersect(Target, Me.Range("a:a")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    With Worksheets("sheet2")
    Set myTable = .Range("a:e")
    End With

    On Error GoTo ErrHandler:

    res = Application.Match(Target.Value, myTable.Columns(1), 0)

    Application.EnableEvents = False
    If IsNumeric(res) Then
    Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = myTable(res).Offset(0, 1).Value
    With Target.Offset(0, 1)
    MsgBox "Please enter something in: " & .Address(0, 0)
    End With
    End If

    Application.EnableEvents = True

    End Sub

    You can read more about events at:
    Chip Pearson's site:

    David McRitchie's site:

    If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:

    dicque@gmail.com wrote:
    > Hey everyone,
    > It took me about 5 minutes just to come up with a subject line for my
    > question.. I just hope that my question itself won't be too confusing
    > to answer..
    > I work for a payroll company and have been assigned to create new forms
    > that will be used by payroll clerks then submitted to data entry
    > clerks. The way they work is I have one cell (A1) for inputting an
    > employee identification number (Empl_ID) and another cell (B1) for
    > retrieving the name of the employee (Empl_Name) from a table of values.
    > What I need to do is after the user inputs the Empl_ID in A1, then B1
    > will automatically populate with the Empl_Name from the table of
    > values. However, if it does not find the Empl_ID in the table, then
    > the user will have to manually input the Empl_Name in B1.
    > The simple solution is just to stuff a VLookup in B1, but if the
    > Empl_Name result comes up as #N/A, I don't want the user to overwrite
    > the VLookup formula in B1.
    > I know this is simple, but I've been RTFM'ing for the past 3 days and
    > just can't come up with the proper formula.. Any help or solutions
    > would be graciously appreciated.
    > Thanks very much,
    > Richard Garrett


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3

    Re: vlookup using vba while allowing manual changes

    Thanks Dave, an event macro sounds like exactly what I need but I'm
    having trouble interpreting your code that you posted and applying it
    to my form. I'll try and explain it a bit furthur, although it's
    probably just me who's lacking the experience to alter it for myself..

    The form I'm creating is not a list but a full landscape form that has
    a couple of merged cells for the employee's ID number and another
    couple of merged cells for the employee's name, so right away I hope
    that identifies that I'm using Ranges for my two pieces of data. I
    believe the ID number is A1:C1 and the name is F1:J1. Then I have a
    completely seperate .xls file that is being used for the table of
    values, column B contains the employee ID numbers and column D has the

    So when one of our payroll clerks punches in the employee's ID number
    in A1:C1, what I'm hoping will happen is some sort of vlookup command
    will search the table of values, then populate F1:J1 with the
    employee's name. If the employee's ID number is not found, then the
    payroll clerk has to manually enter the employee's name in F1:J1. I
    know that if I stuck a Vlookup formula in F1:J1, I will either get a
    matching name or #N/A after the ID number is entered. However if there
    is no match, I don't want the payroll clerk to just delete the formula
    and enter a name since the forms are on a shared drive. That's why I'm
    trying to pursue a method in VBA, in which I have very little

    I hope this all makes sense to help come up with something else.. or
    maybe it's all for none and I'm just not interpreting the code
    properly. Either way I would really appreciate further assistance with
    my problem.

    Thanks again,
    Richard Garrett

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