Alrite ppl I hope I am able to explain the problem I am facing here.. I
am working with multiple worksheets... what I want is to display
certain data in one worksheet by looking up the data from another
worksheet based on certain criteria ... let me explain - consider this
data to be present in a worksheet called 'PO Data' -
p/o no part no qty due date week no
1123 1195c 500 7/18/2006 2
1198h 1000 7/21/2006 2
1590dc 750 7/26/2006 3
1100-p 80961 200 7/4/2006 1
80961 500 7/20/2006 3
80961 30 7/21/2006 3
Now I have another worksheet say 'Plan' which SHOULD contain the
following data ..
part no qty due date week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5
1195c 500 7/18/2006 500
1198h 1000 7/21/2006 1000
1590dc 750 7/26/2006 750
80961 1200 7/4/2006 1200
80961 1500 7/20/2006 1500
80961 30 7/21/2006 30
So u see I want the data in the PLAN worksheet be displayed in the
respective columns when I enter the part no. I tried using VLOOKUP with
IF function but could not come up with a solution. I have used this
formula to calculate the week no =IF(WEEKDAY(A1 ,2)>5, "", INT((DAY(A1)
+ WEEKDAY(A1-DAY(A1) + 2) + 3)/7)) ... I also tried to use the same in
the 'Plan' worksheet but could not come up with anything... can
someone please help me with this?