I have a form that I use to show or hide sheets in Excel.
It has 4 checkboxes with various search strings as a caption.
For instance,
Checkbox1.Caption = "DAB" and when that box is checked, the form shows all
the sheet names that contain "DAB".

I want to make this form more usable where I could transfer it in other
workbooks or have the user change the default search string. To do this I
need to be able to change the caption and have it "stick" once the dialog box
is closed.

The problem is that once I close the dialog box and re-open it, the caption
goes back to what it was before. How do I save the form design automatically
before the form is closed by the user?

Here's the code I have that changes the caption temporarily, but not

Private Sub Image1_Click()
'This will allow user to change the label of the search check boxes
CheckBox1.Caption = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Checkbox 1",
End Sub
