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Re: ComboBox Row Source across ALL sheets

  1. #1

    Re: ComboBox Row Source across ALL sheets

    Norman, thanks for your assistance.

    I have got the 2 ComboBox lists populated now.
    One for the Customer name and
    the 2nd one for the Conveyor Name.
    Both have values from the WorkSheet cells now.

    However, is there a way to CONDITION the 2nd ComboBox to ONLY populate with
    RELATED Conveyors ?
    If Customer FRED has a Conveyor CV1
    & Customer BARNEY has a Conveyor CV5,

    Currently when i Pick say FRED from the 1st ComboBox, the Conveyor ComboBox
    displays CV1 & CV5. Where CV5 is NOT a Conveyor that belongs to FRED.


  2. #2

    Re: ComboBox Row Source across ALL sheets


    From what I've read of your past posts, I think this is what you're looking
    for. You need to have a crossreference for customer/conveyor number. Since
    I have found no reference to it in your previous posts, I've assumed that
    each sheet is for a specific customer and has a list of the conveyor numbers
    for that customer. In the code, customer names are in Combobox1, converyors
    are in Combobox2. You will need to change these references to match yours.
    Each time Combobox1 changes Combobox2 will be cleared a repopulated with the
    appropriate converyor numbers. You will need to write the code to replace
    the "Set cvs = wks.range("A2:A5")" line to fit the location of the converyor

    Add this code to your Userform module:

    Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
    Dim cvs As Range
    For Each wks In Worksheets
    If wks.Range("A1").Text = ComboBox1.Value Then
    Set cvs = wks.Range("A2:A5") 'CHANGE THIS LINE TO REFERENCE YOUR CVs
    For Each cv In cvs
    ComboBox2.AddItem cv.Text
    Next cv
    End If
    Next wks
    End Sub

    If this is not how your sheets are setup, please reply and detail how the
    customer/conveyor numbers are cross-referenced.


    "Corey" wrote:

    > Norman, thanks for your assistance.
    > I have got the 2 ComboBox lists populated now.
    > One for the Customer name and
    > the 2nd one for the Conveyor Name.
    > Both have values from the WorkSheet cells now.
    > However, is there a way to CONDITION the 2nd ComboBox to ONLY populate with
    > RELATED Conveyors ?
    > EG.
    > If Customer FRED has a Conveyor CV1
    > & Customer BARNEY has a Conveyor CV5,
    > Currently when i Pick say FRED from the 1st ComboBox, the Conveyor ComboBox
    > displays CV1 & CV5. Where CV5 is NOT a Conveyor that belongs to FRED.
    > Regards
    > Corey....

  3. #3

    Re: ComboBox Row Source across ALL sheets

    Thanks for the time to reply to my post.
    To Date i remain at a stalemate, with not being any closer to a solution.

    I am able to populate the combobox3 witht he Customer names "B3"
    and populate the combobox4 with the Conveyor Name "D3"

    You are on the right track with your comments, but I have 1 Customer Name
    per Sheet, and Either 0 or 1 Conveyor Name per sheet.

    What i am trying to do is carry out a FIND, based on the Customer AND
    Conveyor, to FIND all sheets that MATCH those selected ComboBox Choices.

    I need a Conveyor Condition of the Customer Name due to the fact that Some
    Customers have a Conveyor Name the same. (EG. CV1, CV....)

    When i replaced what i had with your code i did not get any values in the
    Comboboxes at all??

    If i have 3 Sheets with B3="FRED" & D3="CV1"
    5 Sheets with B3="BARNEY" & D3="CV1"
    4 Sheets with B3="FRED" & D3="CV2"

    Then i want a FIND of say:

    ComboBox3="FRED" & ComboBox4="CV2" <====== Want ONLY FRED's Conveyors to be
    Displayed in ComboBox4, when ComboBox 3 has FRED as the Selection.

    I want a LIST given of the MATCHING Sheets, AS is the case with a MANUAL
    FIND does.

    Any assistance is appreciated.



    "crazybass2" <crazybass2@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Corey,
    > From what I've read of your past posts, I think this is what you're
    > looking
    > for. You need to have a crossreference for customer/conveyor number.
    > Since
    > I have found no reference to it in your previous posts, I've assumed that
    > each sheet is for a specific customer and has a list of the conveyor
    > numbers
    > for that customer. In the code, customer names are in Combobox1,
    > converyors
    > are in Combobox2. You will need to change these references to match
    > yours.
    > Each time Combobox1 changes Combobox2 will be cleared a repopulated with
    > the
    > appropriate converyor numbers. You will need to write the code to replace
    > the "Set cvs = wks.range("A2:A5")" line to fit the location of the
    > converyor
    > numbers.
    > Add this code to your Userform module:
    > Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
    > Dim cvs As Range
    > ComboBox2.Clear
    > For Each wks In Worksheets
    > If wks.Range("A1").Text = ComboBox1.Value Then
    > Set cvs = wks.Range("A2:A5") 'CHANGE THIS LINE TO REFERENCE YOUR CVs
    > For Each cv In cvs
    > ComboBox2.AddItem cv.Text
    > Next cv
    > End If
    > Next wks
    > End Sub
    > If this is not how your sheets are setup, please reply and detail how the
    > customer/conveyor numbers are cross-referenced.
    > Mike
    > "Corey" wrote:
    >> Norman, thanks for your assistance.
    >> I have got the 2 ComboBox lists populated now.
    >> One for the Customer name and
    >> the 2nd one for the Conveyor Name.
    >> Both have values from the WorkSheet cells now.
    >> However, is there a way to CONDITION the 2nd ComboBox to ONLY populate
    >> with
    >> RELATED Conveyors ?
    >> EG.
    >> If Customer FRED has a Conveyor CV1
    >> & Customer BARNEY has a Conveyor CV5,
    >> Currently when i Pick say FRED from the 1st ComboBox, the Conveyor
    >> ComboBox
    >> displays CV1 & CV5. Where CV5 is NOT a Conveyor that belongs to FRED.
    >> Regards
    >> Corey....

  4. #4

    Re: ComboBox Row Source across ALL sheets


    I think this will do it. I've give the LIST in a msgbox, but you can modify
    the code for your desires....let me know if you have any questions.


    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim addit As Boolean, addit2 As Boolean
    Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
    For Each wks In Worksheets
    addit = True
    For i = 0 To ComboBox3.ListCount - 1
    If ComboBox3.ListCount = 0 Then Exit For
    If wks.Range("B3").Text = ComboBox3.List(i) Then addit = False
    Next i
    If addit Then ComboBox3.AddItem wks.Range("B3").Text
    Next wks
    End Sub
    Private Sub ComboBox3_Change()
    For Each wks In Worksheets
    If wks.Range("b3").Text = ComboBox3.Value Then
    addit2 = True
    For j = 0 To ComboBox4.ListCount - 1
    If ComboBox4.ListCount = 0 Then Exit For
    If wks.Range("D3").Text = ComboBox4.List(j) Then addit2 = False
    Next j
    If addit2 Then ComboBox4.AddItem wks.Range("D3").Text
    End If
    Next wks
    End Sub
    Private Sub Combobox4_Change()
    Dim combolist
    If ComboBox4.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
    For Each wks In Worksheets
    If wks.Range("B3") = ComboBox3.Value And wks.Range("D3") = _
    ComboBox4.Value Then combolist = combolist & wks.Name & Chr(10)
    Next wks
    MsgBox (combolist)
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    End Sub

    "Corey" wrote:

    > Mike,
    > Thanks for the time to reply to my post.
    > To Date i remain at a stalemate, with not being any closer to a solution.
    > I am able to populate the combobox3 witht he Customer names "B3"
    > and populate the combobox4 with the Conveyor Name "D3"
    > You are on the right track with your comments, but I have 1 Customer Name
    > per Sheet, and Either 0 or 1 Conveyor Name per sheet.
    > What i am trying to do is carry out a FIND, based on the Customer AND
    > Conveyor, to FIND all sheets that MATCH those selected ComboBox Choices.
    > I need a Conveyor Condition of the Customer Name due to the fact that Some
    > Customers have a Conveyor Name the same. (EG. CV1, CV....)
    > When i replaced what i had with your code i did not get any values in the
    > Comboboxes at all??
    > If i have 3 Sheets with B3="FRED" & D3="CV1"
    > and
    > 5 Sheets with B3="BARNEY" & D3="CV1"
    > and
    > 4 Sheets with B3="FRED" & D3="CV2"
    > Then i want a FIND of say:
    > ComboBox3="FRED" & ComboBox4="CV2" <====== Want ONLY FRED's Conveyors to be
    > Displayed in ComboBox4, when ComboBox 3 has FRED as the Selection.
    > I want a LIST given of the MATCHING Sheets, AS is the case with a MANUAL
    > FIND does.
    > Any assistance is appreciated.
    > Regards
    > Corey
    > "crazybass2" <crazybass2@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > news:71D4087D-51C6-438D-92DA-88047AF6A999@microsoft.com...
    > > Corey,
    > >
    > > From what I've read of your past posts, I think this is what you're
    > > looking
    > > for. You need to have a crossreference for customer/conveyor number.
    > > Since
    > > I have found no reference to it in your previous posts, I've assumed that
    > > each sheet is for a specific customer and has a list of the conveyor
    > > numbers
    > > for that customer. In the code, customer names are in Combobox1,
    > > converyors
    > > are in Combobox2. You will need to change these references to match
    > > yours.
    > > Each time Combobox1 changes Combobox2 will be cleared a repopulated with
    > > the
    > > appropriate converyor numbers. You will need to write the code to replace
    > > the "Set cvs = wks.range("A2:A5")" line to fit the location of the
    > > converyor
    > > numbers.
    > >
    > > Add this code to your Userform module:
    > >
    > > Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
    > > Dim cvs As Range
    > > ComboBox2.Clear
    > > For Each wks In Worksheets
    > > If wks.Range("A1").Text = ComboBox1.Value Then
    > > Set cvs = wks.Range("A2:A5") 'CHANGE THIS LINE TO REFERENCE YOUR CVs
    > > For Each cv In cvs
    > > ComboBox2.AddItem cv.Text
    > > Next cv
    > > End If
    > > Next wks
    > > End Sub
    > >
    > > If this is not how your sheets are setup, please reply and detail how the
    > > customer/conveyor numbers are cross-referenced.
    > >
    > > Mike
    > >
    > > "Corey" wrote:
    > >
    > >>
    > >> Norman, thanks for your assistance.
    > >>
    > >> I have got the 2 ComboBox lists populated now.
    > >> One for the Customer name and
    > >> the 2nd one for the Conveyor Name.
    > >> Both have values from the WorkSheet cells now.
    > >>
    > >> However, is there a way to CONDITION the 2nd ComboBox to ONLY populate
    > >> with
    > >> RELATED Conveyors ?
    > >> EG.
    > >> If Customer FRED has a Conveyor CV1
    > >> & Customer BARNEY has a Conveyor CV5,
    > >>
    > >> Currently when i Pick say FRED from the 1st ComboBox, the Conveyor
    > >> ComboBox
    > >> displays CV1 & CV5. Where CV5 is NOT a Conveyor that belongs to FRED.
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> Regards
    > >> Corey....
    > >>
    > >>
    > >>


  5. #5

    Re: ComboBox Row Source across ALL sheets

    Thanks again for the time to reply.
    It works SPOT ON, exactly as i need.
    It narrows down the 2nd ComboBox to display ONLY values that are on the
    worksheet that contain a value in the 1st ComboBox.
    The only thing i need to work on now is to have the ComboBox Value FOUND
    across all sheets and a list of sheets displayed.
    I will place this in a New post.

    Thanks Again Mike,
    you are a Champion.


    Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim addit As Boolean, addit2 As Boolean
    For Each wks In Worksheets
    addit = True
    For i = 0 To ComboBox3.ListCount - 1
    If ComboBox3.ListCount = 0 Then Exit For
    If wks.Range("B3").Text = ComboBox3.List(i) Then addit = False Next i
    If addit Then ComboBox3.AddItem wks.Range("B3").Text
    Next wks
    End Sub

    Private Sub ComboBox3_Change() ComboBox4.Clear For Each wks In Worksheets
    If wks.Range("b3").Text = ComboBox3.Value Then addit2 = True
    For j = 0 To ComboBox4.ListCount - 1
    If ComboBox4.ListCount = 0 Then Exit For
    If wks.Range("D3").Text = ComboBox4.List(j) Then addit2 = False
    Next j
    If addit2 Then ComboBox4.AddItem wks.Range("D3").Text End If
    Next wks
    End Sub

    Private Sub Combobox4_Change() Dim combolist
    If ComboBox4.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
    For Each wks In Worksheets
    If wks.Range("B3") = ComboBox3.Value And wks.Range("D3") = _
    ComboBox4.Value Then combolist = combolist & wks.Name & Chr(10)
    Next wks
    ' MsgBox (combolist)
    End Sub

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    End Sub

  6. #6

    Re: ComboBox Row Source across ALL sheets


    The code I sent you should give a message box after you make a selection in
    Combobox4 (converyor). Are you looking for the same format as the Excel Find


    "Corey" wrote:

    > Mike,
    > Thanks again for the time to reply.
    > It works SPOT ON, exactly as i need.
    > It narrows down the 2nd ComboBox to display ONLY values that are on the
    > worksheet that contain a value in the 1st ComboBox.
    > The only thing i need to work on now is to have the ComboBox Value FOUND
    > across all sheets and a list of sheets displayed.
    > I will place this in a New post.
    > Thanks Again Mike,
    > you are a Champion.
    > Corey....
    > Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
    > Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    > Dim addit As Boolean, addit2 As Boolean
    > ComboBox3.Clear
    > For Each wks In Worksheets
    > addit = True
    > For i = 0 To ComboBox3.ListCount - 1
    > If ComboBox3.ListCount = 0 Then Exit For
    > If wks.Range("B3").Text = ComboBox3.List(i) Then addit = False Next i
    > If addit Then ComboBox3.AddItem wks.Range("B3").Text
    > Next wks
    > End Sub
    > Private Sub ComboBox3_Change() ComboBox4.Clear For Each wks In Worksheets
    > If wks.Range("b3").Text = ComboBox3.Value Then addit2 = True
    > For j = 0 To ComboBox4.ListCount - 1
    > If ComboBox4.ListCount = 0 Then Exit For
    > If wks.Range("D3").Text = ComboBox4.List(j) Then addit2 = False
    > Next j
    > If addit2 Then ComboBox4.AddItem wks.Range("D3").Text End If
    > Next wks
    > End Sub
    > Private Sub Combobox4_Change() Dim combolist
    > If ComboBox4.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
    > For Each wks In Worksheets
    > If wks.Range("B3") = ComboBox3.Value And wks.Range("D3") = _
    > ComboBox4.Value Then combolist = combolist & wks.Name & Chr(10)
    > Next wks
    > ' MsgBox (combolist)
    > End Sub
    > Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    > UserForm1.Hide
    > End Sub

  7. #7

    Re: ComboBox Row Source across ALL sheets

    A list of all sheets that meet the find criteria.
    I have placed another post to see if this can be done with a closed

    "crazybass2" <crazybass2@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
    > Corey,
    > The code I sent you should give a message box after you make a selection
    > in
    > Combobox4 (converyor). Are you looking for the same format as the Excel
    > Find
    > All?
    > Mike
    > "Corey" wrote:
    >> Mike,
    >> Thanks again for the time to reply.
    >> It works SPOT ON, exactly as i need.
    >> It narrows down the 2nd ComboBox to display ONLY values that are on the
    >> worksheet that contain a value in the 1st ComboBox.
    >> The only thing i need to work on now is to have the ComboBox Value FOUND
    >> across all sheets and a list of sheets displayed.
    >> I will place this in a New post.
    >> Thanks Again Mike,
    >> you are a Champion.
    >> Corey....
    >> Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
    >> Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    >> Dim addit As Boolean, addit2 As Boolean
    >> ComboBox3.Clear
    >> For Each wks In Worksheets
    >> addit = True
    >> For i = 0 To ComboBox3.ListCount - 1
    >> If ComboBox3.ListCount = 0 Then Exit For
    >> If wks.Range("B3").Text = ComboBox3.List(i) Then addit = False Next
    >> i
    >> If addit Then ComboBox3.AddItem wks.Range("B3").Text
    >> Next wks
    >> End Sub
    >> Private Sub ComboBox3_Change() ComboBox4.Clear For Each wks In Worksheets
    >> If wks.Range("b3").Text = ComboBox3.Value Then addit2 = True
    >> For j = 0 To ComboBox4.ListCount - 1
    >> If ComboBox4.ListCount = 0 Then Exit For
    >> If wks.Range("D3").Text = ComboBox4.List(j) Then addit2 = False
    >> Next j
    >> If addit2 Then ComboBox4.AddItem wks.Range("D3").Text End If
    >> Next wks
    >> End Sub
    >> Private Sub Combobox4_Change() Dim combolist
    >> If ComboBox4.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
    >> For Each wks In Worksheets
    >> If wks.Range("B3") = ComboBox3.Value And wks.Range("D3") = _
    >> ComboBox4.Value Then combolist = combolist & wks.Name & Chr(10)
    >> Next wks
    >> ' MsgBox (combolist)
    >> End Sub
    >> Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    >> UserForm1.Hide
    >> End Sub

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