Hello Duncan,

Hello everybody,

I've tried the solution with

activecell.value = activecell.value * 1

and it seems to work very good (thanks!!!)

Now, it still leaves me with some questions...

If I modify the code to:

Sub test()
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value * 1
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
End Sub

....it will block/stop on the first cell that is not "number-like" (f. ex.
F64273/640ZUB/60407400) and put the warning box ["Type mismatch"].

Do you know how to tell VBA to skip such cases and continue until the end of
the column?

Thank you for your input!



From: Duncan - view profile

Date: Fri, Jun 23 2006 4:15 pm

Email: "Duncan" <duncan.mutchbla...@googlemail.com>

Groups: microsoft.public.excel.programming


A workaround I have used it to put

activecell.value = activecell.value * 1

Post back if this doesnt work (or if it does)



From: markx - view profile

Date: Fri, Jun 23 2006 4:06 pm

Email: "markx" <m...@discussions.microsoft.com>

Groups: microsoft.public.excel.programming


I've tried to achieve this with macro recorder, but it writes only the

".select" part...

(I used to select the whole range and than pass through the contextual <!>

menu that appears briefly on the left side of the cell and signals the


What is the VBA instruction for this?

Many thanks,


P.S: Range("B3").Select

Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00"

is not functionning in my workbook neither...