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problem with calendar dates format

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    problem with calendar dates format

    i have a calendar from which a user selects the date, which is then displayed in a text box. The problem is that the date displayed in the textbox is in the format mm/dd/yyyy, when i want it to be dd/mm/yyyy. ive tried a few things but cannot get it to display the date correctly, here is my code:

    Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
    TextBox2 = Calendar1.Value
    TextBox2 = Format(TextBox2, "dd/mm/yyyy")

    End Sub

    my regional setting is set to english (UK).
    the properties on the calendar shows the values on the calendar as dd/mm/yyyy. But when i run the macro, the text box shows it differently.
    Also after trying to convert the format in the text box, it half works,
    by this i mean if i select the 24 of june 2006, it displays it as 24/06/2006, which is cool, but if i select 8th of june 2006, then it displays it as 6/8/2006, which is messed up.

    how can i get this to work??
    any ideas?

    pls help if u can


  2. #2

    Re: problem with calendar dates format

    I think I can help here:

    I messed around for a while and came up with this, which seems to work.

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    TextBox1.Value = Format(TextBox1.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy;@")
    End Sub

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    thanks for that,

    well i tried it, but it is still the same. If you choose any date above the 12th then the date is displayed correctly, But if u choose a date with the day less than or equal to the 12 then it is displayed as mm/dd/yyyy.

    very confusing (and irritating!)

    any more ideas??

  4. #4

    Re: problem with calendar dates format

    Hello Ali Hassan

    what about this one?
    I'm not used to calendars in excel but if Calendar1.Value returns a
    date format, this should work.

    Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
    TextBox2 = Format(Calendar1.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy")
    End Sub


  5. #5

    Re: problem with calendar dates format

    VBA does not know the format of your initial date, so it has to guess. When
    you use "06/24/06", it is clear, because there is no such thing as a 24th
    month, so Format guesses correctly.
    However, with "06/08/06", how does Format know which is the day and which is
    the month.
    You need to explicitly code the parts; day, month, year.
    Look up DateSerial and other Date functions in the help. And possibly Split.


    "s_ali_hassan" <s_ali_hassan.2a7mmp_1151662206.5111@excelforum-nospam.com>
    wrote in message
    > i have a calendar from which a user selects the date, which is then
    > displayed in a text box. The problem is that the date displayed in the
    > textbox is in the format mm/dd/yyyy, when i want it to be dd/mm/yyyy.
    > ive tried a few things but cannot get it to display the date correctly,
    > here is my code:
    > Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
    > TextBox2 = Calendar1.Value
    > TextBox2 = Format(TextBox2, "dd/mm/yyyy")
    > End Sub
    > my regional setting is set to english (UK).
    > the properties on the calendar shows the values on the calendar as
    > dd/mm/yyyy. But when i run the macro, the text box shows it
    > differently.
    > Also after trying to convert the format in the text box, it half works,
    > by this i mean if i select the 24 of june 2006, it displays it as
    > 24/06/2006, which is cool, but if i select 8th of june 2006, then it
    > displays it as 6/8/2006, which is messed up.
    > how can i get this to work??
    > any ideas?
    > pls help if u can
    > thanks
    > --
    > s_ali_hassan
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > s_ali_hassan's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=557248

  6. #6
    Registered User
    Join Date
    nice one ingolf.
    seems like that works for now!

  7. #7

    RE: problem with calendar dates format

    Whenever I don't like the way the Format functions are working, I pull
    everthing apart and then put it back together EXACTLY the way I want it to be.

    In your case I would use this:

    Dim Month as Integer
    Dim Year as Integer
    Dim Day as Integer
    Dim TheFinalProduct as String

    Month = VBA.Month(Calendar1.Value)
    Year = VBA.Year(Calendar1.Value)
    Day = VBA.Day(Calendar1.Value)

    TheFinalProduct = Day & "/" & Month & "/" & Year
    TextBox2 = TheFinalProduct

    Try It, this comes in handy for me all the time.

    "s_ali_hassan" wrote:

    > i have a calendar from which a user selects the date, which is then
    > displayed in a text box. The problem is that the date displayed in the
    > textbox is in the format mm/dd/yyyy, when i want it to be dd/mm/yyyy.
    > ive tried a few things but cannot get it to display the date correctly,
    > here is my code:
    > Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
    > TextBox2 = Calendar1.Value
    > TextBox2 = Format(TextBox2, "dd/mm/yyyy")
    > End Sub
    > my regional setting is set to english (UK).
    > the properties on the calendar shows the values on the calendar as
    > dd/mm/yyyy. But when i run the macro, the text box shows it
    > differently.
    > Also after trying to convert the format in the text box, it half works,
    > by this i mean if i select the 24 of june 2006, it displays it as
    > 24/06/2006, which is cool, but if i select 8th of june 2006, then it
    > displays it as 6/8/2006, which is messed up.
    > how can i get this to work??
    > any ideas?
    > pls help if u can
    > thanks
    > --
    > s_ali_hassan
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > s_ali_hassan's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=35325
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=557248

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